Transparent Sprays


Jun 17, 2007
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Lately I've been trying to design sprays on my own. One thing that has baffled me are the transparent sprays. Some might know what I'm talking about. These transparent sprays have parts skimmed off to make the picture un-blocky (squarish would be another way to put it). I have Macromedia Fireworks 2004 edition. Does anyone possibly know how to do this in Fireworks or if I can do it at all in this program?? Plz respond with information pertaining to the subject.

same i only use photoshop cs2 i thought u would use that version 2 *cough*free*cough*
Ask The Brick. I saw one of him doing his D: face and it was pretty cool.
I used Gimp for that one ;) Which is a much easier program for transparency. With gimp, you just add an alpha channel to a layer (if it doesn't already have one) and then you just erase to transparency. Or select everything you want to be transparent and delete it.
Easier? ... With my tut, no erasing is required, just a simple Alpha layer addition (as with Gimp).
The erasing part is only necessary if you load a jpeg or something and want to add transparancy to it. Gimp automatically has alphachannels in each layer you create.
Thanks. I really want to make a transparent spray.