Trying to found a new clan (if you really love pyros must see)


Feb 15, 2010
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Hi everyone, here's my first post (hope not be the last) I'm Titan, chris-kun or even sometimes known as 10 years old noob pyro and here's my problem.

I was today having some fun with the TF2 playing as a pyro my favourite class in a server from a clan I don't remenber. But they were talking all the time about how easy is to use the pyro,and well you know how nobbs are pyro's users.

I really don't care about this but the big point came when the administrator decided just to kick me out just because I was using the pyro. And believe me, I was doing nothing wrong, I didn't have high ping either and to be honest that round I killed 3 players with the flare gun (talking about being easy or noob now)

I don't know if somebody is gonna care about this but just for fun I had the idea to create a new clan for people who love noob pyros, it really does not have to be a serious clan (or maybe it has), and i don't wanna be a leader, the only thing I want is that pyros and people who like playing with them get more respect so if you're interest let me know and i'll add you as friends on steam and we can talk about it.

Thanks for reading this,bye.
Many class strategies can be summarized by "W + Mouse1" for the beginner, but seasoned pyros (indeed all classes) know better. Sounds like the admin was a wank? I would go so far as to say the Spy and Engineer are not beginner classes, but the others, sure. A clan for noob pyros would be a hoot (I rarely play them myself), but I don't think you'll find much traction for that here. I'd start with a Steam group and see if that takes off.
You'll find that clans only use pyros in situational circumstances - they're just not worth the slot. Indulge your megalomaniac fire starting impulses on pubs where you can be deadly :)