tunnels video dead people


mad max 31

i just noticed there are dead people in the tunnels video, they look like scientists. its when gorden goes throw the hallway and meats the man hacks and then has to turn back. so does this mean they are killing scientists now. is it back to the dark ages.
it's just a showoff video. Probably has no bearing on the actual game
They're not scientists they look more like the City 17 resistance forces. It would appear they had a little encounter with the Man Hacks also :) So far I haven't seen dead scientists in the videos so perhaps they're held up somewhere or smart enough to avoid detection some how.
Scientists were only good for two things in the original halflife, opening doors and dieing in humorous ways.
mortiz said:
Scientists were only good for two things in the original halflife, opening doors and dieing in humorous ways.
ooo and they were pretty funny to listien to
they killed lots of scientists in hl1, so whats the difference.
Munro said:
They're not scientists they look more like the City 17 resistance forces. It would appear they had a little encounter with the Man Hacks also :) So far I haven't seen dead scientists in the videos so perhaps they're held up somewhere or smart enough to avoid detection some how.

Naa after Black Mesa they all went and got safer jobs like on the front line in Iraq.
mortiz said:
Scientists were only good for two things in the original halflife, opening doors and dieing in humorous ways.
They could heal you to.
I remember a moment where I had to crawl past a live wire into an airduct because of one of them dumbassed scientists...
Fenric said:
Naa after Black Mesa they all went and got safer jobs like on the front line in Iraq.

Thats where I want to work when I grow up. :D
Hey the first time i found myself on just 3% Health, and a scientist gave me an injection up to 30 health, those little things made half life great.
Awww you guys are so evil, I loved saving as many scientists as possible by making them all follow me along with as many Barney's as I could find. You could sometimes end up with a small army, and then when I came to a place where they couldn't follow I just left them all behind with the Barney's to guard them.
you didn't even leave a det pack behind for an amusing gib event? thats sick...
I found scientists best for drawing fire from marines/aliens and sentry guns.........even when i already had a clear line of fire on the enemy, hehehehe