TV sucks.

Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
I just can't help not liking T.V. It sucks so much time, money, and donkey balls that it's not funny. Why watch T.V (except for movies or your favourite show), when you can:

A) Hang out with your friends
B) Play Half-Life 2
C) Read something cool
D) Do something active
E) Visit the forums

I just don't like T.V. If you want a proper reason, I'll spell it out: there are so many better things that you could be doing.
The thing I hate most about TV is programs where 'stuff just happens', none of it is funny, stuff just happens :|
Right first off Tv's dont have lips or a vaccum of some kind so therefore they dont suck.

a) what if you have no friends
b) what fi you dont have half life 2
c) what if your dyslexic / cant read at all
d) if your got a disability stopping you?
e) if you dont have regular access to the forums

in binary theyre is a saying that goes something like this:

1 0 0 0 100 0 0 0101 010 1 00 10 10 10 1010011011111101 010 1 0101010 101 0101010 0101

Roughly translated as "Who gives a ****"
I, for on, give a ****.

And what are the chances that ALL of those things are unaivailable to you?
yes you have an opnion , i gave mine .. so sssh

i NEVER said theyre not ;'/
Yep. I fully agree. T.V. is crap. There is almost never anything interesting, besides your favorite shows, (and a movie once in a while).

What are my favorite shows? Simpsons and Family guy.
Then there is this program that reviews video games (they have crappy reviewers, but at least it is better than no video game program at all).

...and that's about it. The rest is nothing but crap crap crap.

Lol, yeah, the other day I was watching MTV with a cousin and they had this stupid Jackass ripoff. Pretty much just guys clipping nails into each other and vomiting. At least Jackass had the decency to annoy pedestrians. :|
A good 99% of TV is utter crap, I agree. There are only a handful of exceptions.
I dont like tv because theres bearly anything good on. Id rather play games or watch movies.
NapalmAndFriends said:
Lol, yeah, the other day I was watching MTV with a cousin and they had this stupid Jackass ripoff. Pretty much just guys clipping nails into each other and vomiting. At least Jackass had the decency to annoy pedestrians. :|

Its called Dirty Sanchez
TV is a medium.
Maybe you don't like most of the stuff ON TV, but that probably just means you're not watching the stuff that would interest you most. Most people just have a favorite channel or show or two.
exodusuk said:
Its called Dirty Sanchez

And it's sooooooooo much better than Jackass :) (who are all assholes :/)

TV is ok - just depends what you watch. I wouldn't consider playing video games or browsing through forums a better way of spending your time.
But Dirty Sanchez are also assholes. It's practically a qualification.

BTW, cable is the worst, so many channels, so much crap. But, yeah, there are some good shows every once in a while.
Meh, Dirty Sanchez are welsh, and as we all should all know from what society has told us, Welsh people are a lot easier to laugh at than others (see: Goldie Lookin' Chain).

The dirty sanchez guys seem like decent chaps to me (if completely bonkers) They're funny and likeable ........ the kind of ppl i'd enjoy partying with (as long as they don't try and staple their nuts to anything in my presence)

The Jackass crew are all complete tossers - wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
meh, I´ve got only 3 channels and I watch the news and a few programs when I feel like it ( Emmerdale and Bold And The Beautiful crap :D )
I watched more before because there was more quality on the telly before. Now there seems to be just reruns and money grubbing mobile telephone games and chat programs :/
Warbie said:
The dirty sanchez guys seem like decent chaps to me (if completely bonkers) They're funny and likeable ........ the kind of ppl i'd enjoy partying with (as long as they don't try and staple their nuts to anything in my presence)

The Jackass crew are all complete tossers - wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

I second that, but in reverse. :D
I totally agree.

Basically I only watch two shows (South Park and The Daily Show) and I watch those at the most about 3 times a week.

I'm amazed all the time at how bad TV is.
NapalmAndFriends said:
I second that, but in reverse. :D

bah - how can you like the jackass crew? They're the twats at school - the bullies, the show-offs, the idiots - the ppl who talk really loud so everyone has no choice but to hear them.
