Unreal 2 multiplayer


Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
As you may have heard, XMP is a class based multiplayer team game.
Teams fight for control of energy, deployment points, and ultimately, four artifacts required to win each match.
Teams are comprised of three classes which are all deadly and versatile. Through teamwork their complimentary skills are at their most powerful. All classes have access to certain skills, but they are not all equally capable at performing them. While all classes can hack, the tech is much faster than the other two classes.
All classes can also revive fallen comrades, but only the Ranger is capable of healing them once they are revived. Jump jets and sprinting further augment the already powerful capabilities of each soldier, each custom suited to the class.
We already have a number of mappers in the beta program who have approached us about making new maps, and we're looking for more people who may be interested.
We'd like to work with mod makers or mappers interested in XMP to answer questions, give tips, or help you get your work off the ground. If you're interested in taking part in modding or mapping, please sign up for the beta program at www.betatests.net and email me personally at [email protected].

Paradoxically the Ranger is both the assassin and the medic of any squad. Their primary purpose is infiltration, assassination, and medical aid. Equipped with deadly precision weaponry, they wear armor which is built for speed and concealment. The Ranger is the fastest of the classes, and can jump to greater heights due to its light weight, but their light armor provides little protection from heavy weaponry.
The Tech class is the engineer of the battlefield. They are trained electrical and mechanical engineers who can not only repair armor and quickly hack into electronic equipment, but also deploy turrets and defenses in the field. They wear medium grade armor that gives them moderate protection from small arms fire and good mobility. Techs can deploy a variety of equipment in the field, such as field generators and turrets.
The Gunner class is the heavy combat unit. They specialize in close assault, high power weaponry and demolitions. They wear heavy powered armor, offering the most protection available in combat. Unfortunately, it is also the slowest moving battle armor around. Given their size and strength they are capable of carrying additional supplies for the entire squad.
Three types of vehicles are at the players disposal along with a wide variety of powerful mannable turrets. Each vehicle has a turbo capability to allow it to gain a sudden burst of speed.
The Raptor is a two manned fast attack vehicle, with powerful front grinders to dispose of enemy pedestrians as well as a passenger controlled autocannon.
The Harbinger is a three man transport with topmounted multirocket turret and a defensive rear ASMD cannon. It is a powerful anti-vehicle/turret killer.
The Juggernaut is a two man battle tank with antipersonnel flamethrower and powerful Cannon turret.
Teams must maintain control over energy sources in the field which supply their team with access to technology and power their defenses while trying to deny the enemy of them same. Hacking control of teleporter deploy stations allow teams to deploy at various points throughout the field. Together these aid their primary goal of obtaining all four artifacts to become the ultimate victors in each match. Only through teamwork and skillful use of the arsenal of weaponry, vehicles, and defenses at your disposal will you dominate over the enemy.
Scoring is allotted through points with modifiers rather than straight frags. Characters performing support functions, defense, and aid are rewarded for their actions as well as special bonuses for skillful maneuvers.
So with that I've given you a glimpse into the world of XMP. We hope you'll all enjoy playing it.



sounds fun
The site you posted is a little slow atm, are the screenshots posted anywhere else?
I think it looks terrible.

An I actually bought Unreal 2 :X
Believe me it is fun :)

There a a few thigns I don't like, but overall it is very, very fun.

(I love being in Bets tests :) )
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
Believe me it is fun :)

There a a few thigns I don't like, but overall it is very, very fun.

(I love being in Bets tests :) )

I have the beta too and I still think it's horrible.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
I have the beta too and I still think it's horrible.

What don't you like? (without breaking NDA, or pm me if it would)
Unreal 2 is the worst thing I downloa.. I mean bought in a long, long time. Unreal 2 is evil.
Shut up you dipstick. Unreal 2 is a great looking game.
I liked the demo, is the full game worth the money? (Now that they are adding multiplayer support?)
the multiplayer will be a seperate componet, though it wil lrequire U2 to be installed on your comp. expect to see them bumdeled.
Originally posted by manny_c44
I liked the demo, is the full game worth the money? (Now that they are adding multiplayer support?)

i didn't mind the game. It had its good parts and some maps just sucked. The storyline was ok, the end was a little crazy. This is coming from someone who never played the original :)dork: )
The game was ok, alot of people slated it for not being as revolutionary as promised by the developers but i was a damn decent game.

The start was fantastic and the last level was fantastic. It has the best weapons in any game in recent times (read: since the chainsaw in doom ;)), all with nice effects, sounds and feel to them, they even did some original stuff with them. Its a shame alot of the middle levels were realy unimaginatave and badly designed sometimes resorting to invisible boundrys.

Over all though its a great single player FPS.
*possible spoiler*

Good old skool shooter it was, as descussed many a time at pcgamer forums. Shame about the ending was getting very attactched to them.
Yeah it defintly sucks when that happens. It sucked even more when you couldn't respawn after that (bug, fixed now)