Valve Announces Mobile Steam App

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
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Valve have just announced the upcoming availability of a Steam mobile app for iOS and Android users. If that wasn't exciting enough, the apps are already available in your usual App Store / Marketplace so that you can register your interest to take part in the Beta.

With the Steam app, gamers around the world may chat with Steam friends, browse community groups and user profiles, view screenshots and user-generated content for their favorite games, read the latest gaming news, stay up to date on unbeatable Steam sales, and more.

For more information, please visit
The full press release is available below.
January 26, 2012 -- Valve, creators of best-selling game franchises (such as Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, Portal, and Team Fortress) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced the beta release of the Steam application for iOS and Android devices.
With the Steam app, gamers around the world may chat with Steam friends, browse community groups and user profiles, view screenshots and user-generated content for their favorite games, read the latest gaming news, stay up to date on unbeatable Steam sales, and more.
"The Steam app comes from many direct requests from our customers," said Gabe Newell, co-founder and president of Valve. "Seeing which of your friends are online and playing a game, sending quick messages, looking at screenshots for an upcoming game, or catching a sale - these are all features customers have requested. Mobile is changing way people interact, play games and consume media, and the Steam app is part of our commitment to meet customer demands and expand the service functionality of Steam to make it richer and more accessible for everyone."
Those who wish to join the beta just need to download the Steam app (free of charge) and log in to their Steam account via the mobile app to express interest in the beta. Gamers will be added to the Closed Beta as the service ramps up.
Steam is a leading platform for the delivery and management of PC and Mac games with over 40 million accounts around the world and over 1,800 titles offered.
For more information, please visit
OH YEAH BABY! I've asked for a key.
I was actually just thinking about this yesterday and how it would be pretty neat if valve did this.
It would be even more interesting if they're able to get some mobile games available on there. There are some games for iOS that are on steam as well and it would be sweet to bring those together somehow.
Entering my Steam Guard code now...

"Thank you for your interest in the Steam mobile beta. We have made a note of your account and will be sending out more invites shortly."
Wish they had some games you could play on your mobile device too
Entering my Steam Guard code now...

"Thank you for your interest in the Steam mobile beta. We have made a note of your account and will be sending out more invites shortly."

Yep, as stated in the news post and press release this is a closed beta and downloading the app registers your interest to beta test.
I saw that, but I thought there might at least be a little preview thing :(
We will have a preview uploaded soon with screenshots
Got into beta. Its cool but i hope they will release the api so other devs like trillian could add steam chat to their services.
Now people can give Valve all their money on the go, too!
Awesome, I've wanted something like this for a while, glad they finally did it.
I predict that this will die a slow and quiet death. As far as I can see it's a steam chat app that also lets you buy games that you can't play till you get to a computer, where you can buy them anyway.
As for mobile games, there are already very good services built into each mobiles OS and I honestly can't see why people would bother going to a 3rd party one..

Will be interesting to watch though.
Glad for ios and android users, I hope they will make it for WP 7.5 cuz I bought Nokia Lumia 800 few days ago.