Valve Is Days Away from Releasing a Virtual Reality SDK


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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Speaking with the BBC yesterday, Valve's Brian Coomer said that they are just "days away" from releasing a virtual reality software development kit that will give developers a standard method for creating games for VR displays.

As most of you know, Valve have been working on virtual reality for a few years now with the help of people like Michael Abrash and Joe Ludwig, to name a few. They have also been working closely with Oculus VR and John Carmack.

"There's also technology in development at Valve based around head-tracking and headset manufacture and design," Coomer said. "We are working with other companies right now but we have not made any specific announcements."

The VR SDK will be released some time around the Steam Dev Days conference, which is taking place next week, January 15-16.

The BBC also says that this kit is part of a broader set of tools that will let developers manage other ways to control games on the Steam Machines. No details were given on what specifically those other tools will be.

When we have more information, we will certainly keep your posted. Stay tuned!