Valve "looking to expand beyond the FPS genre"?




Valve, it turns out, is looking to expand beyond the FPS genre. “We’re working on cooperative building games,” [Robin Walker] says. For example, you build something like a space ship or a machine with people online instead of shooting and killing each other.

Seems like Valve may work on a better version of Second Life or something like that. After Aftermath and the HL2 episodes I think this would be a nice change of pace (but hopefully they will give some closure to the HL2 story by the end of Aftermath and the episodes, unlike the cliff hanger ending in HL2).
Very interesting find. I'm intrigued with all news of Valve's post Half-Life projects.
i think its sad that they are giving up on halflife - tossing it aside quite casually
Uh, guys... I'm pretty sure we will see Half-Life 3. Valve is not completely changing their goals, they're expanding. An expanding balloon does not lose all of it's air when it expands, it just gains more.
HL3 definitely will be there. It would be very strange for it to be otherwise for several reasons.

1. They've always wanted to make it.
2. The fans want it.
3. HL3 is guaranteed to be a best-seller and make LOTS of money.

Valve are expanding, hiring more people to work on other projects, that's it. Actually, consider this remarkable fact - before HL2, Valve had only released ONE other game. Very few companies with one game done get all the media attention that Valve got during HL2 production.

It's pretty alright for them to want to do more - they're talented guys, and there's a good chance that they can make a decent game that's not a shooter.
iMMuNiTy said:
Until it explodes. :D
Valve is just doing what Rockstar did. Expanding operations in 2 directions. Valve originally was going to do that, but didn't have the manpower to do such a thing.