ValveTime Top 5: Episode 1 - Scariest Valve Enemies


Retired Lead Content Creator
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May 29, 2007
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To celebrate Halloween, we've created a special themed episode of a brand new video series. Introducing ValveTime Top 5, a new series in which we look at the Top 5 best or worst elements of Valve games. To start off, we thought we'd look at the Top 5 scariest enemies in Valve titles.

We're also giving away of Metro 2033 to celebrate the new series, don't forget to leave a comment below letting us know what you think of the video. Feel free to leave suggestions for future episode ideas, you never know - we might just like your idea and use it one day!


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The series are a great idea! :) I pretty much agree with your opinion (well, except for the Advisors - they're more creepy and strange than actually scary). Actually, I also think that Fast Zombies from Half-Life 2 were pretty scary... It was terrifying when they climbed extremely fast on the pipes and attacked you on roofs of buildings (in Ravenholm)! Hey, what about Top 5 Antagonists in the next video? Or Top 5 Vehicles, perhaps?
Next up should be "Top 5 Eastereggs". There are tons & tons of eastereggs hidden in VALVe's games (think of the singing vortigaunt, or the hidden rooms in portal).
Now about the 5 scariest enemies.. I don't really have a list of scariest enemies, only a place. Ravenholm. When they warned me about Ravenholm and the whole "we don't go to Ravenholm" stuff, that freaked me out. Especially when you start Ravenholm in a scary kind of garden with a zombie's legs hanging from a tree. (Oh the fun I had juggling those legs around ^^ ).
You knew stuff was about to go down, and it did. Countless zombies vs. a gravity gun & countless sawblades! It was a massacre, but a massacre for good!
And then you meet those big ones, the ones with the poisonous headcrabs (god, they were so annoying). The sound those big zombies made, the muffled/distorted breathing, that is what scared me most in entire Ravenholm. The zombies were nothing, but that sound...
Oh, and don't forget the part where that monk (idk his name?) gives you the shotgun & all hell breakes loose. It went from "here, have a massacre of zombies with awesome sawblades & spinning propeller machines" to "here, have a useless shotgun to defend yourself against highly flexible, maniac, dog-like-zombies that'll jump out of nowhere").
Yes, Ravenholm was/is my highlight in the Half-Life series and when I look back, watching myself pass through it for the first time, I was a really big wimp at the time.

apologies for any bad english
next video : valve top 5 weapons tho i think u can do it top 10 ...

all so you can do top 5 multi player maps from all mods cs , dod , tf , tf2 and so on but again i think a top 10 will be better
disagree pretty strongly with the idea of stalkers or advisors being 'scary' purely in that they have no real effect on any of the gameplay of the half life games, outside of some small puzzles involving their repair laser in episode one.

the two times i remember being most scared in half life 2 and it's episodes were against foes in disarming situations i.e. the poison headcrab zombie in the liftshaft in freeman pontifix (which was also terribly creepy from the sounds and atmosphere of the place) and whilst running from the antlion queen in the tunnels below the mine, where you have no way of killing the creature and instead and required to run whilst it hounds you at every turn. those, to me, are scary situations. whilst i can agree that stalkers and advisors are scary in what they have become, or were, or can do, the fact they they have been purely cinematic at this point means i haven't found them particularly scary for what they can do to me as the player.

obviously subjective, though. agree wholeheartedly with the ichthyosaur, though.
I'm really happy you picked the advisors as number one, but having the Horseman on the list feels like forcing as many games as possible to the list because-having-only-two-franchises-would-be-too-few. It really isn't scarier than the witch.
Valve's "Scariest Enemy" is the G-Man.

With a close second the god damned Garg.
I think this series is a good idea although its limited, Valve only has so many games, so the episodes will just stop once a certain point is reached and it will stay so until Valve releases more content.

My personal list is much like the one in the video, so i'l add a couple of characters to compensate.

The Gargantua from Half Life - The blue giant always overwhelmed me with his firepower and health, aside from my first encounter with him, i didn't have the tools to kill him and i was forced to hide from him or run knowing i couldn't deal with him, which only now reminded me of the panic-inducing Guardian chase in Episode 2.

Poison Zombie from Half Life 2 - Although the zombie dies before it can attack me, its disgusting body, the horrifying breathing (Mentioned in a dev commentary in Episode 2) and leaching poison headcrabs are what scares me about it, along with the ability to throw the poison headcrabs higher than they would be able to reach otherwise, the poison headcrabs themselves can't kill you, but having your health low isn't a good thing, especially when there are faster enemies around that could easily take you out after one attacked you, maybe its just me but, i always panic slightly when having low health.

Also, My suggestion for newer episodes is: Top 5 Minor Characters & Comics Characters (Because TF2's minor characters are all in the comics).
You forgot the ranting of the lab rat in portal 2 that you can hear if you go to his den hidden into the walls.
Great series btw,keep it up!
The spookiest enemy was undoubtedly the Moving filing cabinet in the PS2 version of half life:

Edit: BTW it's Pronounced "IK-theyosaur"
Hey, that's my video! I still want to know the story behind that file cabinet.
How did the headless horseman get in there? There's absolutely nothing scary about it.
I like this new series, it seems like you all put a good amount of thought into why and what you ranked.

My personal top 5 scary monsters:
5. Poison Headcrab. They blend in well with the dark, they have a very distinct sound, and have the power to drop you to 1hp instantly making everything and anything else a threat.
4.The Tank: This hulking mass of undead muscle has the potential to destroy even the best plans and kill some of the most prepared groups, that along with just being physically intimidating is why I place it here.
3.Stalkers: Nuff said.
2.Half Life Zombies: They still feel pain and cry out for you to kill them. There is still a person inside that "monster".
1. GLaDOS: Enemy or grudging ally, GLaDOS to me represents the darker, colder side of humanity, and hits close enough to home to prompt some serious questions.

I would like to see a top 5 Valve Easter eggs episode.
Replace the Stalkers and Advisors with Fast Zombies and Tanks, and you've got a good list.
No mention of fast zombies? What made Ravenholm scary (among many things) was hearing the noises of some unknown beast, somewhere in town. The quiet abandonment and leftover battle scars raised the anticipation of whatever was making that sound. You're used to slow, lethargic zombies (gross, but easy to dispatch). When you first come across a fast one, and you see them hopping across rooftops in the distance, only to find one running up in your face, growling that terrible growl, you're in for a scare. The timing is just perfect between 'oh dear, what are those' to 'here it comes, pick a weapon' to 'OMG it's in my face'. Some Valve games come with a level of creepiness in certain areas, but I don't get the impression that they're trying to be overly scary. However, the first encounter with a fast zombie is easily the most terrified I've ever been in one of their games. Poison zombies are creepier than they are scarier ("sure, I can take this guy, but man, what a horrible way to go. Eww, was that a laugh?" as opposed to, "hory shet they're coming after me and I can't outrun them").
Yeah, God knows how the HHH made it in and the fast zombie didn't.
Yeah, God knows how the HHH made it in and the fast zombie didn't.

The fast zombies might seem scary with their whole non-existent skin and loud screams, but they're actually little bitches which cause next to no damage. They can cause panic, but generally can't act on it by killing, or even threatening you. Yeah the Stalkers have the same problem with giving out next to no damage, but that really isn't their role as an enemy.

They were on the short list, however.