Very High resolution texture option?


Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
When I set the textures to Very High, and restart the game, the setting doesn't stay. I assume the game doesn't have Very High resolution textures?

Overall I'm disappointed by Episode 2's graphics. It looks pretty much exactly the same as Episode 1, cept for the better physics. We didn't get realistic rain effects, or the dynamic shadows or other stuff in the tech demos for newer versions of Source. They really should have tightened up a few of the textures you look at a lot, like Alyx's jacket and pants, or the the car parts, or door ways etc.
Pick up a small object with your gravity gun (Saw Blade etc.) and turn on your flash light. Blam! Awesome shadow effect!

It lags my computer so I don't use it :(
i thought this looked absolutely stunning. Some areas are using the same textures, but wow the out door scenes are just amazing.... way way better then episode 1 in my opinion.
What? I really think stuff was improved.

The HDR lightning seems to have been tweaked, the skyboxes are absolutely stunning, the shadows are finally dynamic (Looks great), the motion blur etc.

I was SHOCKED, when a combine soldier began shooting at me with his pulse rifle, and my screen went all white because of the light. Amazing. They finally seem dangerous!
ya the very high setting staying is just a bug in all of the new source games. hope it is fixed soon, im tired of it being medium by default.
So does very high even work at all? I didn't see much of a difference between it and high.
I have the same problem and yes when you've got it set to "Very high" it's on "very high".
Just change it to very high before you start or load a game. Oh and btw the game looks GREAT! I have some screenshots that i will be post soon. Here is one
