Very slow forums but only recently

Aug 14, 2004
Reaction score
Over the last couple of months these forums have slowed to a crawl - almost as bad as the Steam forums.

They used to be really quick but are now FAR too slow!
hosting.adjug still slows me down.
When Black Mesa Source and Episode 3 come out, the forums will get more interesting.
I get problems, threads taking a while to open and stuff like that.
I never noticed, because by the time I don't tend to get to a tab for a few minutes. It's seemed perfectly fine for me.
Are we all taking the piss here? We all know he doesn't mean connectivity right?

Oh wait. Hang on, i'll unstick my head from my ass.

/me pulls his head outta his ass

Please continue the discussion.
It is just for me, anything on the main page or forums is real slow. All other sites work sweet, and hell even the WP part of the site is fine!
Are we all taking the piss here? We all know he doesn't

/me pulls his head outta his ass

Please continue the discussion.

/me tries to shut koola up and ends up killing him :)
just felt like i should resond to all this '/' crap