Wal-Mart counterfeit T-shirts?

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The perception of what is fashionable differs from person to person so your argument is inherently flawed. People will wear what they like and feel comfortable in, deal with it.
Yeah... and seriously... judging people and not just their fashion sense based on what kind of ****ing clothing they wear?

Jesus Christ that's an asshole thing to do.
I could put on a dragon shirt RIGHT NOW and I'd still be the same person.

Unfortunately I have nothing that goes with a dragon shirt. I'm also quite "fashionable", for lack of a better or more appropriate word, but I'd totally wear one just to prove you wrong. I don't give a shit what people wear really.
Yeah I agree with you 2 it is bad. I was just trying to give him some links as he was asking for T-shirt links so I assumed he wanted to find something other than dragon t-shirts as it's a harsh reality but people judge you based on what you wear. I probably was an ass for putting down dragon shirts, but you lot are guilty as well saying stuff I wear is crap/overpriced. It seems hippocritical to say that fashion differs from person to person yet call what I wear crap and overpriced.

Other than that I do agree that people should be allowed to wear whatever they want. Just don't expect people in real life to not judge you based on what you wear. People are superficial and not only judge you but also treat you based on what you look like.
I don't entirely believe that. If I can hold back from judging people on first appearances then I think there's others who do the same. I live by thoughts like this to avoid hating everyone.
Yeah I agree with you 2 it is bad. I was just trying to give him some links as he was asking for T-shirt links so I assumed he wanted to find something other than dragon t-shirts as it's a harsh reality but people judge you based on what you wear. I probably was an ass for putting down dragon shirts, but you lot are guilty as well saying stuff I wear is crap/overpriced. It seems hippocritical to say that fashion differs from person to person yet call what I wear crap and overpriced.

Other than that I do agree that people should be allowed to wear whatever they want. Just don't expect people in real life to not judge you based on what you wear. People are superficial and not only judge you but also treat you based on what you look like.

I expect people to do it in real life too... but they just have to accept that I'm going to call them an idiot and an asshole too. And I will.
I don't entirely believe that. If I can hold back from judging people on first appearances then I think there's others who do the same. I live by thoughts like this to avoid hating everyone.

As do I but the majority of people don't. I know a girl who judges people entirely on superficial means even when she knows them. Knowing there are people out there scares me. Even job interviews can be superficial. If your not an attractive person good luck getting far in serving. How many ugly news casters do we have?

It's unfortunate but humans are superficial, even those of us who don't try to be superficial we still are. It's not something we can change. Attractive people get farther in life than someone who is less attractive with the same qualities. It's an unfortunate fact of life.
Yeah I agree with you 2 it is bad. I was just trying to give him some links as he was asking for T-shirt links so I assumed he wanted to find something other than dragon t-shirts as it's a harsh reality but people judge you based on what you wear.

That's true but I'm sure dragon shirts are not the only thing he wears.

I probably was an ass for putting down dragon shirts, but you lot are guilty as well saying stuff I wear is crap/overpriced. It seems hippocritical to say that fashion differs from person to person yet call what I wear crap and overpriced.

Proves the point though doesn't it? It does indeed differ from person to person and I wouldn't be caught dead wearing the labels you listed.

Other than that I do agree that people should be allowed to wear whatever they want. Just don't expect people in real life to not judge you based on what you wear. People are superficial and not only judge you but also treat you based on what you look like.

If people weren't such judges of character the world would be a better place. In the end it comes down to whether or not you care what others think. In my line of work I think it's 100% crucial you make a good impression in terms of appearance. But in my casual life that's not so important to me.
This thread is scary but strangely arousing. Help.
As do I but the majority of people don't. I know a girl who judges people entirely on superficial means even when she knows them. Knowing there are people out there scares me. Even job interviews can be superficial. If your not an attractive person good luck getting far in serving. How many ugly news casters do we have?

All of them are ugly.

I'd be pretty too if I wore five pounds of makeup.
That shirt looks like an 11 year old's shirt. :|

Oh wait. :D

And you all know what? Costco pwns you all.
All of them are ugly.

I'd be pretty too if I wore five pounds of makeup.

And to make matter worse they generally have no idea about anything. I watch breakfast TV/News. I feel dumb for that short hour.
Arg...this thread has turned into a "lets hate popular things because they are popular". When you say you don't care what you wear in casual encounters I can tell you don't really care about fashion and thus your opinion on whats fashionable doesn't matter very much. Also now your making the claim that people who care about fashion are also idiots. I am sorry you don't care much for fashion, I used to be the same way but once I started getting a big social life I found out fashion is important, not in a metro way but at least looking good is important and I enjoy my life much more now that I am able to go to a bar and talk to attractive girls without them giggling at my dragon shirt.(I used to have many...and you don't get far socially with them).
Are you popular Glirk Dient?

If so, I hate you.

If not, I love you.
I think if a guy at a bar tried to talk to me and he was wearing a dragon shirt, I'd probably be kind of into it. I like 'em odd. Suppose it depended what he was talking about and if he was sexy enough to pull it off.

Is anyone sexy enough to pull of a dragon shirt?

Not at all. I wear clothes that look good, and I don't pay the insane prices that are attached to what you wear. In fact, I wore some $20 jeans (and I know you'd gladly pay four times that for a pair) that looked like what everyone else was wearing. Guess what; they're from JCPenny.

HOLY ****, JCPENNY. Yeah. Good 'ole Arizona jeans, holy shit. They even had the "I'm a douchebag that buys preripped jeans" tear below the knee! Amazing! And only $20! And they were faded too, goddamn.

Look, you don't need to go to brand stores to get good looking clothing. And when I see $60+ jeans that look worse or equal to mine, it makes me laugh, really. Because people are wasting their money on names. People are paying money to be a walking billboard. Yes, let me buy a $50 t-shirt that has Ambercrombie across the front. And that's it. No cool decal (or dragons), just a font.
Are you popular Glirk Dient?

If so, I hate you.

If not, I love you.

I dunno...I do know a lot of people but I really only count my good friends and I like to keep them to a smaller group(under 10) so we can all go to the bar and hang out or do whatever without having to worry about who to invite or who to not invite. I learned quickly that trying to have over 30 friends creates way too much drama and isn't worth it.

Not at all. I wear clothes that look good, and I don't pay the insane prices that are attached to what you wear. In fact, I wore some $20 jeans (and I know you'd gladly pay four times that for a pair) that looked like what everyone else was wearing. Guess what; they're from JCPenny.

HOLY ****, JCPENNY. Yeah. Good 'ole Arizona jeans, holy shit. They even had the "I'm a douchebag that buys preripped jeans" tear below the knee! Amazing! And only $20! And they were faded too, goddamn.

Look, you don't need to go to brand stores to get good looking clothing. And when I see $60+ jeans that look worse or equal to mine, it makes me laugh, really. Because people are wasting their money on names. People are paying money to be a walking billboard. Yes, let me buy a $50 t-shirt that has Ambercrombie across the front. And that's it. No cool decal (or dragons), just a font.

No you don't need to pay insane prices. If you shop around you can find really nice jeans for $40 which is usually what I go for. The jeans at JCpenny are not even close to what you would find at american eagle. I used to think that all jeans were pretty much the same until I bought a pair and I never noticed all of the differences before and I won't go back to cheap pants. Just because they are a shade of blue doesn't mean they are the same. I am not saying everyone has to go buy expensive clothes...but don't expect to be on the cover of any magazines wearing wal mart clothes. It seems like you hate brand name clothes for some other reason than the price as aeropostale shirts cost $10 and look great and you can find cheap jeans too. Price isn't really an issue. Is it you don't want to be labeled, or maybe you just really want to be different and think your gonna look like everyone else wearing these clothes? Honestly it's worth the time to go shopping and get some nice stuff, the attention from girls alone is worth it but you also feel so much more confident knowing you look better that it affects the rest of your life.

I honestly don't know why so many of you hate clothes that cost more than $5.
And I could literally pull them off my feet.
No you don't need to pay insane prices. If you shop around you can find really nice jeans for $40 which is usually what I go for. The jeans at JCpenny are not even close to what you would find at american eagle. I used to think that all jeans were pretty much the same until I bought a pair and I never noticed all of the differences before and I won't go back to cheap pants. Just because they are a shade of blue doesn't mean they are the same. I am not saying everyone has to go buy expensive clothes...but don't expect to be on the cover of any magazines wearing wal mart clothes. It seems like you hate brand name clothes for some other reason than the price as aeropostale shirts cost $10 and look great and you can find cheap jeans too. Price isn't really an issue. Is it you don't want to be labeled, or maybe you just really want to be different and think your gonna look like everyone else wearing these clothes? Honestly it's worth the time to go shopping and get some nice stuff, the attention from girls alone is worth it but you also feel so much more confident knowing you look better that it affects the rest of your life.

The point is I do look good, and I don't have to spend wads of cash.

I have a pair of $60 Aeropostale jeans, I do. I never wear them. I truly prefer the look, style and comfort of my $20 jeans that I got at JCPenny. Maybe I'm cheap, maybe I lack what you call fashion sense. Who cares. I like what I wear, and I don't need to empty my wallet.

I really don't care that you buy clothes that are more expensive. Good for you (no, really). I see people sporting the ever popular brands all the time and it doesn't bother me. It's just when people start to somewhat "show off" (show off being a bad description, but I'm not a thesuarus) or brag that they wear these clothes and so should you because you'll "look good." **** that. I look fine.
The point is I do look good, and I don't have to spend wads of cash.

I have a pair of $60 Aeropostale jeans, I do. I never wear them. I truly prefer the look, style and comfort of my $20 jeans that I got at JCPenny. Maybe I'm cheap, maybe I lack what you call fashion sense. Who cares. I like what I wear, and I don't need to empty my wallet.

I really don't care that you buy clothes that are more expensive. Good for you (no, really). I see people sporting the ever popular brands all the time and it doesn't bother me. It's just when people start to somewhat "show off" (show off being a bad description, but I'm not a thesuarus) or brag that they wear these clothes and so should you because you'll "look good." **** that. I look fine.

That's fine then. If you can pull it off props to you. I sure as hell can't. It's actually harder to pull that off which is why I suggested what I did as you can pretty much mix and match whatever and still look decent. Also I totally understand what you mean when people show off. I hate it a lot and a lot of times they don't even look good in what they are wearing. They are showing off that they have money. I don't I actually save up and shop a lot to find a couple shirts I want. My philosophy is that I would rather have a handful of good looking shirts than a closet full of decent looking ones so I shop wisely.
This thread has changed drastically since I last visited D:
Thread before Glirk = hilarious

Thread after Glirk = "im better than you and have more friends and more people like me based on my pants" ******ry.

This thread sucks now.
My philosophy is that I would rather have a handful of good looking shirts than a closet full of decent looking ones so I shop wisely.

You have a philosophy for shirts. This says a lot about you as a person.

EDIT: God damnit, look at what you made me do!
When you say you don't care what you wear in casual encounters I can tell you don't really care about fashion and thus your opinion on whats fashionable doesn't matter very much.

Assumptions much? Or just bad wording on my part? Picking the correct type of clothing for my work environment is difficult.

When it comes to outside of work I don't have a problem. I don't think about what looks good I know what looks good already. You make it sound like staying fashionable is hard work when it really isn't. Picking up a nice reasonable cost outfit that looks and feels nice is not hard at all. Maybe the clothing outlets on your side of the world are pissy compared to the ones I visit I don't know.

I honestly don't know why so many of you hate clothes that cost more than $5.

Something about buying say an $80 pair of pants that only cost a few dollars to make doesn't feel right with me.

EDIT: God damnit, look at what you made me do!

You can't escape now.
There's a lot of shit going on in this thread I don't really want to dive into, but can I just say that previously, we were discussing how dragon shirts are typically for nerds and the anti-social, and then Glirk comes in and discusses how, when you have a social life, you need to look fashionable. I had a nice laugh at the recommendation of American Eagle and Aeropostale, but nothing compares to that Kiaeneto link, 'cause check it out:


Hahahaha, look at this ugly mug right here! This dude's f*ckin'...oh my God, this dude is Dragon Shirt. This guy's all ABOUT dragon shirts! Look at 'im! I can tell you right now that he doesn't have any kind of social life. I think this dude's too ugg for OTHER Dragon Shirts.

And I'm not trying to say anything about the clothes themselves, or even their clientele, but it's just an irony that Glirk was saying, "dress nice when you have a social life" then he posts a link with a dude that I GUARANTEE has no social life. Oh Jesus I can't stop laughing. LOOK at him. F*ckin' look. It's too good.
Sorry darkside but your pretty ignorant. Your the one assuming that all people who buy clothes that fashionable people buy must be good looking and cool. That is not the case...I posted a website link for a brand of T-shirt I like(one of the first and most popular fashionable gaming shirts)and you go and find a pic of some idiot wearing a tattoo and somehow everything I choose is bad taste? Weren't I just saying how there are idiots out there who buy the clothes yet look stupid because they have no fashion sense? I am sorry... Your logic isn't really proving anything. I have yet to see any of you post anything you could actually wear to a bad and pick up chicks.
Fashion is the dumbest thing ever invented by humans. I live in a blue collar world, and ive never really encountered anyone who actually gave a shit about what other people wear.

"I say good sir! Are those jeans from Wallmart? How... utterly revolting!"

Anyone who judges someone any significant amount based on their clothing is someone not worth knowing. Take your fashionable ass elsewhere and pretend people like you someplace else.

EDIT: That wasnt directed at you Glirk... just at people like you :p
Ugh. You're. Not your. You're. Contraction of "you" and "are." Saying, "Your pretty ignorant. Your the one assuming..." If you're going to insult me at least have the decency to spell it right so you don't look like an illiterate. You bring us both down.

And where did I even SAY, "only fashionable people buy fashionable clothes?" I never said that if you re-read my post. I'm just making fun of an irony; nothing more and nothing less. If you're going to insult me at least have the decency to understand my meaning so you don't look a fool for jumping to conclusions. You bring us both down.

And I never said that "everything you choose is bad taste" based on Dragon Shirt up there. I laugh at American Eagle and Aero because, if you're going to buy expensive clothing, you can do better. Much better. But in any case, I specifically said I wasn't making any judgements of the clothing itself based on that guy. I said it right there. If you're going to insult me at least have the decency to read every line in detail so you don't come off as one of those people who skims over a message before they click "Quick Reply." You bring us both down.

And to say that "my logic doesn't prove anything;" once again, I wasn't trying to prove anything, nor was I trying to be logical. Can't I just laugh at a frog-chinned man who looks like he's got a crick in his neck, with a stupid brand logo tattooed on his arm without trying to make a point? Can't I laugh at the irony in a statement about fashion when showing someone unfashionable without being logical? Is not a man entitled to laugh at an uggo if he so chooses?! I SAY HE IS! I say he is, so if you're going to insult me at least have the decency to do it without resorting to trite retorts like, "That's illogical" and "Let's see YOU post something." It makes you look like a childlike Spock with an attitude. You bring us both down.
Sorry darkside but your pretty ignorant. Your the one assuming that all people who buy clothes that fashionable people buy must be good looking and cool. That is not the case...I posted a website link for a brand of T-shirt I like(one of the first and most popular fashionable gaming shirts)and you go and find a pic of some idiot wearing a tattoo and somehow everything I choose is bad taste? Weren't I just saying how there are idiots out there who buy the clothes yet look stupid because they have no fashion sense? I am sorry... Your logic isn't really proving anything. I have yet to see any of you post anything you could actually wear to a bad and pick up chicks.
:cheese: Oh s***, oh s***, where to begin.

Well, first off Glirk, I don't have any problem with your fashon sense at all. I actually like some of that stuff you posted. I have a few Abercrombie shirts and South Pole Jeans myself. :thumbs:

However, saying that I'm not cool becuase I wear dragon shirts is just wrong. Coolness imo is confidence and chicks dig guys that have that loads of that ten-fold more more than many who where brand name labels. I like your reccomendations, but the way you come across, well, you remind of those douche bags on TLC's "What Not To Wear", and that's just pisses me right the hell off.

Secondly, I agree with others saying that conservative formal wear is a must for formal events such as interviews and business meetings, but outside of these events, I couldn't really give two sh**** what people think about my taste for dragons. Besides, I've dated some really good looking girls who liked dragons just like me.

By Someone telling me I should omit dragon shirts altogether really erks me. (Even if it was my employer, in which case they can go to hell too) Nobody can strip me of who I am other than the guy that's paying my bills, (as long as it's within the workplace and not my personal life) and that's a major trait many women like. Confidence. I'm just too good for such shallowness.

Lastly, thanks for nothing for being one of the ones responsible for the downfall of my dragon shirts. (I can only find them on the internet now) You make me very angry, :angry: and sad, ;(

BTW: Krynn72, I'm really a harmless guy, unless you try to take away my dragons of course!
I just have this strange phobia of being breathed on with firebreath that melts my skin off and boils eyeballs until they pop. Yeah, its a strange phobia, but i must avoid all contact with dragons and people who associate themselves with their like.
It's irrational fears like that that set Draconic-Homo Sapien relations back to the sixteenth century.
I just have this strange phobia of being breathed on with firebreath that melts my skin off and boils eyeballs until they pop. Yeah, its a strange phobia, but i must avoid all contact with dragons and people who associate themselves with their like.
That's nothing compared to those annoying "fashion police" types. I'd rather stab my eyes out and drink Draino/Liquid Plumber than be caught dead on some stupid show like "What Not To Wear". :p Gives me nightmares thinking about them stripping me of my dragons and throwing them in the trash.
People please!

Think of the dragons!


Disclaimer; Found that from Saturos' link.

Eh, I think fashion is a pretty cool guy. It's true that you'll often be judged initially by what you wear, and it's also true that, like anything else, people have every right to take what you wear as an indication about yourself. What one tells when one sees a person who looks good is that they have made the effort to pay some attention to some appearance.
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