Weapon dropping

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I hope I'm not starting something which has already been discussed to death, but has anyone else noticed that, in the E3 movie, the player had to throw away his old weapon before picking up a new one (ie/ exchanging the shotgun for the rocket launcher)? I hope this doesn't indicate some sort of limit on the number of weapons you can carry. True, this would be consistent with the new physics engine (not to mention reality) but it just wouldn't feel like Half Life without an armoury strapped to your back.
I like the idea, it will add a flavor to the game, like spending 10 minutes, thinking which gun will be more helpful in the future :)
I agree with Mr.Reak, it will add more to the game since it would add the suspense that if you were to run out of ammo for your gun that you would have to make a run for it. In Half Life 1, you would rarely run, instead you would just pull out a different gun and keep fighting.

Besides, making a run for it could be fun, I so want to push crates and other things in the way of some Combine soldiers as their trying to catch me. If I was carrying everysingle gun in the game all with full ammo I probably wouldn't even think about trying to make an escape.
Yep, I simply love the idea. It's so much more realistic, and like The Mullinator said, it will open up alternate strategies.

Also, on another demo, Gordon drops a machine gun to pick up a shotgun. But still apparantly has a Crowbar, Grenades, and a Gravity Gun?

On the subject of realism..

I think it would be great if Valve made an alternate game mode where you can't quicksave, 'cause quicksaving really takes the skill out of HL sometimes (i'm sure we've all done it, save before an area of grunts, then loading unless we complete the area with 100% health? :E). Of course, Valve wouldn't really *need* to do this, since one could just not quicksave, but it's quite hard to not-quicksave sometimes. :P
i thought it would be like 1 melee (crowbar), 1 secondary, 1 primary, 1 heavy weapon(rocket launcher), and then 1 alien gun. but, i dont know, when i saw gordon drop the shotgun for the rocket launcher, it confuesd me. so now im thinking its 1 melee, 1 secondary ( maybe u get more than 1 pistl i dont know) and 1 primary, then 1 alien gun
Some very valid points have been raised here. I used to play half-life on hard difficlty, but quicksave every three seconds. People would have been upset if valve didn't lety you save, saving is essential, you need to leave the game sometimes. It really does spoil the game when you save constantly and reload everytime you loose more health than usual when fighting a lesser bad guy. Once I realized I was doing this I decided to quit. In the next game I played, Return to Castle Wolfenstien, I set the diffculty to medium and didn't save. I relied on the autosave at the start of every level. Having to beat every level with one life is much more exciting, the bad guys become scary again, it really matters when you run out of ammo and have to use the knife. As well as making the game more exciting, it look longer to beat, more playing hours for free.

Soldier of fortune 1 had a really good difficulty levels. The harder the difficulty the fewer weapons you can carry and the fewer saves you get per level. I really hope valve opt for this approach. You have to really be forced to beat every level in one go before you realise how much it adds to the game. Of course half-life didn't have levels, but they could put in save points every now and then.

Just my 0.0000542741 ounces of gold...
Ehh? You said that you played HL on Hard difficulty, then said that HL didn't have difficulty levels?? :) :)
Originally posted by The Mullinator
I agree with Mr.Reak, it will add more to the game since it would add the suspense that if you were to run out of ammo for your gun that you would have to make a run for it. In Half Life 1, you would rarely run, instead you would just pull out a different gun and keep fighting.

Besides, making a run for it could be fun, I so want to push crates and other things in the way of some Combine soldiers as their trying to catch me. If I was carrying everysingle gun in the game all with full ammo I probably wouldn't even think about trying to make an escape.
will players get to use any of alien weapons? NOT likely.
How do you know they won't? Because they didn't show them on any screenshots or movies? That’s where element of surprise comes in. I can bet $100 there will be alien weapons.
ohh i love quicksave until it comes and bites you in the ass because the second you hit the button and it saves it a grenade comes and flies in your face and kills you and since quicksaves overwrite eachother, opps! Now you have to start all over from the last autsoave at the begginning of the level. That has happened to me on more than one occasion.
What would be great is a car chase scene with the dune buggies. You have to run because you run out of ammo or there are too many Combine soldiers to kill. The only way to get away in time is to find the dune buggy and drive away.

You find a dune buggy and drive away but the combine have their own dune buggy and chase after you with it. Just like in the movies. Think of maybe a Matrix freeway chase scenario or a good city street chase. There are other NPC civilian traffic on the street so you can't just floor it all the time. If you slam into another car by accident your car would explode or be disabled so you have to be careful. And the Combine AI is smart so it is not easy to lose them. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
Originally posted by Dr.Sbaitso
ohh i love quicksave until it comes and bites you in the ass because the second you hit the button and it saves it a grenade comes and flies in your face and kills you and since quicksaves overwrite eachother, opps! Now you have to start all over from the last autsoave at the begginning of the level. That has happened to me on more than one occasion.

lol true that sba, i hate when things like that happen. i remember once i fell off the side of the cliff, i went to press quike load, but i hit F6 and it saved in mid air over a billion foot drop :(
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
I like the idea, it will add a flavor to the game, like spending 10 minutes, thinking which gun will be more helpful in the future :)

I agree. It'll give us more of a challenge. Limiting the amount of weapons to carry does give some realism to the game.

Oh and about quicksaves... provided you have the will power, you the player has the choice to use it or not. I usually just unbind the quicksaves key, it's as easy as that.
Having only a small amount of weapons would be fun as. I need the element of terror in a game, finding you just used all your bullets for pistol, and have to desperately run back inside a house, barricade the door, find theres no back exit, and here them storm through the door :S.

They could fix the quick-save problem by keeping three past quick-saves, so even if you saved once, you would still have your two previous saves.
Originally posted by Xenophus
Having only a small amount of weapons would be fun as. I need the element of terror in a game, finding you just used all your bullets for pistol, and have to desperately run back inside a house, barricade the door, find theres no back exit, and here them storm through the door :S.

I just can imagine it, no bullets, nothing.. you sit in the corner and looking at the table, at the door, how it shakes, but doesn’t open. Everything stops.. you hear footsteps, somebody running to the door. Taking out crowbar and within moment table flies away and door opens, you jump in the empty doorway. Where the hell is a soldier? Damn, he waited for you to jump out and only thing you see now is grenade falling under you… HOLY SHIT MONKEY!
Yes, I s'pose you guys are right. Limiting you to a certain number of weapons would probably make it a more suspenseful, generally better game. I'll have to give up any hope of being a one-man-military though
I hope there is a weapon limit in the game, it would make things so much more interesting. In the movie with the traps he has a crowbar, gravgun, pistol, and grenade. He then picks up a machine gun but has to drop it to get the shotgun, so that looks like a 5 weapon limit.

I also like the idea of having auto-saves and no quicksaves, but they have to be placed carefully. It can make fights a lot more intense, but it can also be extremely frustrating when you have to go through a really long streach only to find there's a real hard bit at the end, and you have to attempt it a million times.
I think the weapons, if they do change it so you cant have unlimited, will be along the lines of 1 melee, 1-2 pistols, and maybe 2 primaries, whether they're alien weapons or a shotgun.
Ehh? You said that you played HL on Hard difficulty, then said that HL didn't have difficulty levels??Ehh? You said that you played HL on Hard difficulty, then said that HL didn't have difficulty levels??

I said half-life didn't have levels, ie. it was all one big map wheras quake (or RCW) had a number of different levels. i hope that clarifies thingss
Even if they give you a whole lot of weapons, you don't have to use them. It's like the quick save thing, have the option there, and let the players decide what they want to use (I once bet Quake on 'nightmare' with only the rocket launcher, but I must admit I did have unlimited rockets ^_^).

Personally though, I like the idea of limited weapons, it forces you to think strategically and makes the game more intense. (Can you imagine going head-to- er, ankle against a strider with only a pistol and your crowbar?)

Noj, even worse is when you hit an autosave point just before you're about to die. That really sucks.
What I've seen other games (eg Resident Evil) do is reward players for limiting the number of saves they use. There's three ways they could do it: In game rewards - you get more health, armour, and ammo in your pick ups; Replay rewards - new areas unlocked, Alyx becomes playable (we wish), weapons are modified, etc; and/or Bonus rewards - wallpapers, movies, access to exclusive parts of the website, el al.
I can come up with some creative uses for the watermelon in case you are out of guns and ammo. Like putting a watermelon over a door. When the Combine opens the door and walks thru, the melon will fall and drop on his head, knocking him out. You then proceed to pick up the Combine's weapon, and presto! You are back in business.:cheers:
or cutting it in half with your crowbar and wearing the top half around like a helmet
If a watermelon KOs you, you should be wearing a helmet full time
Hmm, sort of like a melon afro thingy, eh? :afro:

Of course, you can always snack on the other half of the melon as a quick health pick-me up.
haha, that'd be funny if you saw food lying around if you could pick it up and gain hp... sort of like the pop out of the vending machines on HL
Hey, does anyone other than me think that the guns don't act very realistic when they get dropped? They don't clatter to the ground realistically, like in Hitman. A flaw in the physics. It's a minor detail, but it does sorta add to the game's atmosphere.

i thought they did... like when he throws down the shotgun for the rocket launcher, it hits the ground and makes a skidding noise as it slides under the tank
any, and every game where u can drop weapons, it loosk like ur thowing them, if ud d r o p a weapon u would drop it, not throw it.
that's most likely because any game where you can drop a gun means you can pick them, and if you just dropped them instead of throw them there'd be a good chance of picking up your gun you just dropped onto where you should be picking up
Well personally I'd put a weapon down carefully instead of dropping or throwing it. Anyone who just tosses a rocket launcher on the ground is asking to be blown up.
Originally posted by Noj
Well personally I'd put a weapon down carefully instead of dropping or throwing it. Anyone who just tosses a rocket launcher on the ground is asking to be blown up.

I can so see that...

*Scientist goes and geta a rocket launcher for Freeman* "Here you go." *Scentist throws rocket launcher to Freeman resulting explosion* Scientist...."Well.... that a made a mess."
I like the idea of limited weapons also. It does add alot to the game. As someone said it would open different strategies. Also from some source they said that there would be alien weapons. Dont mark my words though.
Single player- limited weapons
Multi player- full weapons.

Thats my wish list, I don't care about anything else.
I think you can carry only one weapon for one weapon slot, example you can carry a shotgun for weapon slot 3 but you cant have a machine gun in slot 3.
Imagine running out of ammo on all your 'big guns' but still possesing the gravity gun thing.... Now thats a way to make the game more interesting right there!