Weapon system ...


May 28, 2003
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Well there have been some threads about this,
and many have wonderd why the shotgun whas thrown away
to pick up missile launcher ....

well i think the old HL system is still in-use but have any thought of the shotgun whas out of ammo ?

or maby you run slower with more weapons ....

Could be.. or maby the weapon system wasnt completed then because it was a old build
I hope its like cs to get more realism...I mean in HL1 you could run around with a bazooka in your suit without problems!

Or maby he dropped it so we could have something to talk about ;)
It looks as if you can only have one 'primary' weapon at a time, because in the video with the zombie gut in half, h throws away his machine gun for a shotgun.
It looks as if you can only have one 'primary' weapon at a time, because in the video with the zombie gut in half, h throws away his machine gun for a shotgun.

I agree.
It makes perfect sense.
I assume there are 5 slots you can use for weapons, it shows when he switches weapons.
well... they'd be 1. melee 2. secondary 3. primary 4. grenades
5. ?? alien weapon maybe? ie. the pharamone balls used for the antilions
i think the pheromone balls would be listed under grenades. but maybe im wrong
tbh I dont like the idea of only one weapon, but tbh I think it might be true. If you look at the top of the screen when he changes weapons u see a white / yellowish box, which I think is weapon selection.
Whatever it is im sure they will make it work.
OK heres what I have seen but first let me say two things: First, all of this info is from taking screenshots of where the menu appears in the e3 videos. Of course we have no way of knowing if the weapon menu will change by the time the game is released and if I had to guess I would say that it will. Second, Some of the demos didn't have a HUD active on them so you don't see the menu. You also don't see which catagory a weapon is in when gordon quickswitches to it.Therefore I don't know what catagory the rocket launcher or the grenade/flame thing goes into.

Heres what you do see:

First there are 6 catagories not five. You never actually see anything in the first catagory. The second one shows a pistol. The third one shows the SMG, OICW (if that's what it is), and the shotgun. The fourth catagory has the HE grenades and the fifth is the alien pheremones. The sixth is also never shown to have anything. You also never see more than one gun in any catagory and gordon several times drops weapons to pick up others (in the same catagory in the case of the SMG-Shotgun.)

My guesses:

The first catagory is melee. Almost all games put your melee in the first catagory and it was like this in HL1.

The shotgun, SMG, and OICW are all in slot 3 and we see that gordon must switch between SMG and shotgun, he later switches shotgun for RPG so I'm guessing the RPG is also in 3 and there is no seperate "heavy weapons" catagory (if there was the OICW would probbly go there too).

Nice goin stray, sounds about right to me. Melee, pistol, primary, grenade, pheromone/alien, but the sixth slot still remains a mystery... perhaps this is for 'inventory' items. eg - carry a portable health pack or portable HEV repair thingee. Doesn't seem very likely but it's a guess...

[EDIT] - also, how do you take a screenshot of a video without getting the blank screen treatment?
Originally posted by Bad^Hat

[EDIT] - also, how do you take a screenshot of a video without getting the blank screen treatment?

Dont resize the video before you press Print Screen :)
Or use VirtualDub, which is so much better than Media Player for screenshots anyway since you can skip through individual frames.
im sure if there is only one weapon per slot, a mod will come out that will allow you to have more