Welp, the Syndicate reboot is probably an FPS.


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score

Well it was either going to be an FPS or a dance based fitness game, personally I think they made the right choice.
It's whether they do a good job in that format now.
There's been a good 15 years for someone else out there to make an isometric syndicate style game (just not called syndicate), yet no one (developers, indie or otherwise) have remotely bothered. So I must admit when it turns out that EA have commissioned a 4 person co-op splinter cell meets Deus Ex FP actioner based on the IP, I find it quite funny that there are people losing their shit over the fact it's not an isometric game. There's no audience for it is why. If there was, someone would of been tapping that rich seam of 'want' a long time ago.
I do not understand why anyone would be surprised by these news, Starbreeze is most known for their FPSes, The Chronicles of Riddick games as well as The Darkness.
Terrible! Just terrible :( what a waste of a great franchise.
Starbreeze is a competent company so I certainly look forward to seeing how the game turns out, regardless of whether what IP it is part of.

If they make a good co-op shooter set in a cyberpunk world, then I won't complain.
There's been a good 15 years for someone else out there to make an isometric syndicate style game (just not called syndicate), yet no one (developers, indie or otherwise) have remotely bothered. So I must admit when it turns out that EA have commissioned a 4 person co-op splinter cell meets Deus Ex FP actioner based on the IP, I find it quite funny that there are people losing their shit over the fact it's not an isometric game. There's no audience for it is why. If there was, someone would of been tapping that rich seam of 'want' a long time ago.

Necroreply, but w/e. Making an isometric tactical game is risky. It's far easier to just make another cheap modern-day/WW2 FPS, market it as the next best thing since sliced bread and have it sell milions (AKA Black Ops).

Furthermore, according to your logic, since no real remake of X-COM: Enemy Unknown was made in over a decade, no real market exists. Yet a proper, turn based X-COM: Enemy Unknown remake is in the making.

As for Syndicate, I was skeptical, until it turned out that it's a four person co-op game that combines Deus Ex and Splinter Cell. I feel that this is as close to Syndicate as we can get, so I'm now cautiously looking forward to the title, as I have fond memories of both Syndicate and Syndicate Wars.

Hopefully they'll retain WMDs. Blowing up buildings with a nuclear grenade and robbing the remains was always AWESOME.
Starbreeze is a competent company so I certainly look forward to seeing how the game turns out, regardless of whether what IP it is part of.

If they make a good co-op shooter set in a cyberpunk world, then I won't complain.

This. Starbreeze has made some of the best single player FPS's in the last decade IMO. Though their multiplayer track record is another story...
Excuse the dubstep. Jesus.

This. Starbreeze has made some of the best single player FPS's in the last decade IMO. Though their multiplayer track record is another story...
Yeah. Their MP components have generally just been tacked on. The mode in Assault On Dark Athena where a group of players hunt one player playing as Riddick in complete darkness was their first actual attempt at a proper multiplayer component I think.

I'll be playing the demo for this in a few minutes. Looks to be pretty fun.
Looking good, but I assume there's also a singleplayer campaign right? Not just the coop campaign.
So far as I know this came out today.... been watching some gameplay and not too impressed. There is dubstep. I dont know what else to say about that.

So did anyone buy it?
Coming out tomorrow here in Sweden, still unsure about what platform to get it for.

PS3 is tempting in order to be able to show Willie how shit I am at shooting using analog sticks.
So far as I know this came out today.... been watching some gameplay and not too impressed. There is dubstep. I dont know what else to say about that.

So did anyone buy it?
Definitely not in the game soundtrack.

Spent about 12 hours today alternating between SP and coop. Both are very fun, but mostly the co-op. Any doubt I had about the game was dismissed once I got into the game. My only problem with it is how goddamn bright and bloomy a lot of shit is.
It's out on PC. It's currently only available on EA's Origin.
I want to make enemy soldiers kill themselves. But Origin makes ME want to kill myself :V LOL
So, I picked this up for the PC.

Unlocking in 50 minutes.
Anyone got a link to the intro?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm just a bit confused by this. Actual game intro? Like, first level? Because the first thing my mind jumped to was intro video or EA logo.

The mission shown in all the gameplay demonstrations with the Agent infiltrating the Aspari building with another Agent is basically the first actual level after this tutorial level.

Played a bit more today. Happy to say there is not a single sign of dubstep in the actual game soundtrack.
It's a shame that they put so much game around the killing people with guns. It would have been a fun little romp of ultra-violence without those forced cutscenes, terribly narrated plot and odd, boring out of place puzzles.

I've heard good things about the co-op, though.
Anyone else feel like this game has been buried? Like EA was ashamed of it? In the entire time the game was rumoured as an upcoming release, I heard more buzz about it than we've heard in the months since it was actually confirmed as in production. And even before it tanked at review, nobody seemed to be talking about it.

Almost makes you hopeful (alongside the massive 360 that seems to be happening with X-Com) that companies have seen 'reboot as FPS' for the massive PR failure that it is, and have been stuck with these awkward, unsatisfying games with no obvious audience potential.
I've started playing this myself and I'm enjoying it. The only thing bothering me is the lack of video options. The excessive bloom is a pain.
Yes, the game has some of the most ridiculous usage of bloom I have ever seen in a computer game.

Anyway, I beat the single-player yesterday, it was fun and took me around 6 hours. I have spent another 20 or so hours in the co-op so far.

Personally I am satisfied with my purchase.
Yet a proper, turn based X-COM: Enemy Unknown remake is in the making.

That someone is making it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to sell great guns. Plain truth of the matter is for the people involved it might make a profit as they are a small team, however it's not going to be doing skyrim business.