What do you do if...

OP, here's something that's really hard for you to understand as a guy -- she was in love with you all along... the thought of commitment is what scared her, to the point where she couldn't bear to see you because it was heartwrenching for her. She's finally reached out to you because she's grown out of her shyness.

Now the ball is in your court, you must accept her request and send her a few messages a day so she knows that you are still open to a relationship. Tell her about your persisting affections and describe how lonely you've gotten thinking of her. Declare this on a public forum like Facebook, it will make her feel special and loved. Get to know her friends and ask them about her feelings towards you. They may not open up at first, but be persistent. Start hanging out with her group. A few bouquets and love letters a week won't hurt either.

Good luck! :thumbs:
"long time no see, fancy going pub?"

If not oh well move on... next... plenty of slags in the billions of women in the world.
But don't worry, I am in your situation too. You see, I really like this girl in University. But since we are not in the same course, it's a bit hard to track her down and and have a conversation. Either way, it is likely I will not hook up with her as I am a


You just have to be more resourceful. Phonebooks, my space, facebook, school records, whatever you need to get her address. Then get a pair of these:


She'll appreciate the effort, if she gets a restraining order she's only playing hard to get.

You can thank me later.
wow you didnt send that last part of your post did you? if so you've lost before it's even begun.
Wow, I kind of empathize with OP, but everyone is being kind of assholes. Just friend her (or don't) and maybe chat it up and maybe something will happen or maybe it won't, or you could just forget about her because appearing to be nice in a class at school doesn't mean she's... well it doesn't really indicate anything about her at all. She may be a bitch! Move on and go find some one else... or don't!
Friend her and just be cool.

Nothing worse than some obsessed guy. If she likes you, she'll let you know.

Until then, jack it like there's no tomorrow.
thanks for... some of the responses guys. I'll just try to be friends. I'm only 17 and know that I'm a good person, so that's enough

all I really did was just post "hi" on her wall and she hasn't even responded so whatever.

oh, and **** you, darkshade.

we all love you
The first rule of facebook is that it's meaningless and nothing done on it has any bearing on the real world.
It's Darkside. And yes F$@K him.

I was kidding.