What happend to Father Grigori?

i hate father grigori for one. im a christian. and grigori just ran around the damn place shooting. and he was spitting out random bible verses to add an atmosphere. i despise that. Jesus Christ is far more superior. and sadly, it has to be said...ought to be more honered than that. Apart from that, idk anything else about grigori. All i know is someone valve thought they could bring entertainment by contrasting God(which is assimilated with light and purity) with ravenholm.(dark, decreped.) im just upset that God isnt depicted accurately. He runs all things. good and bad. period. Satan is not coeternal with God. therefore there is no.."maybe satan will win" and all this bull. good and evil are not two sides to the same coin. Good governs evil. contains it, restricts it. and uses it for its purposes. evil is a tool. anyway im done here. not trying to start anything. to be honest i just wanna talk about hl2. but that grigori man. is a joke. its cool to be a character. but if you take Gods words and spew them from your mouth. use them contextually, and relevantly. there are too many people who are already confused about stuff. actually thinking like satan and demons are entities who can possess people and all that. thats the lie of the devil man. thats his power. is he makes you think he has power. truth is he is a worm. he is nothing. but anyway. maybe ill talk about this stuff to someone who is interested idk.

Grigori is a perfectly fine religious character- you're just looking at him from a rather close-minded biased point of view.

Grigori was an orthodox priest, most likely, from where City 17 probably is. Ravenholm was most likely a nice town before the storms- and he was most likely a nice preacher. Now, the portal storms occur, and the Combine invade. Ravenholm is shelled to oblivion with headcrab pods, and the entire populace aside from perhaps a few people are zombified. Grigori is one of the survivors, and his entire flock- most likely, he was well known and well loved in the town, and from how he talks it was likely a highly religious town- he now has to kill and deal with all the people he once helped and guided as a Father. Everything he taught- everything he believed in- wiped away, in an instant, when everything turned to hell. To see your entire home town decimated, and the people you knew and loved turned into bloody horrific parasitic creatures will almost certainly turn any normal man completely insane.

He survives. By God being his shield or somesuch thing, he manages to survive in this place- unwilling to leave until every one off his flock is dead and with God- while everyone else avoids Ravenholm, including the Combine. But, one man wanders in, the savior of humanity, the Free man. As I understand it, or rather, as I believe it, Grigori realized his purpose when he met Gordon. His purpose was to guide Gordon through the town, to protect him like a guardian angel. And, at the end, he sacrifices his life to fulfill this end. And finally- with the knowledge that he helped mankind's savior make it through the darkest pit of hell in Eastern Europe, he joins eternity fighting off the people he may have once known.

but hey im just a crazy mutha****a what do i know
i hate father grigori for one. im a christian. and grigori just ran around the damn place shooting. and he was spitting out random bible verses to add an atmosphere. i despise that. Jesus Christ is far more superior. and sadly, it has to be said...ought to be more honered than that. Apart from that, idk anything else about grigori. All i know is someone valve thought they could bring entertainment by contrasting God(which is assimilated with light and purity) with ravenholm.(dark, decreped.) im just upset that God isnt depicted accurately. He runs all things. good and bad. period. Satan is not coeternal with God. therefore there is no.."maybe satan will win" and all this bull. good and evil are not two sides to the same coin. Good governs evil. contains it, restricts it. and uses it for its purposes. evil is a tool. anyway im done here. not trying to start anything. to be honest i just wanna talk about hl2. but that grigori man. is a joke. its cool to be a character. but if you take Gods words and spew them from your mouth. use them contextually, and relevantly. there are too many people who are already confused about stuff. actually thinking like satan and demons are entities who can possess people and all that. thats the lie of the devil man. thats his power. is he makes you think he has power. truth is he is a worm. he is nothing. but anyway. maybe ill talk about this stuff to someone who is interested idk.

Not sure if srs.
At least you got lucky he was saving your ass from the zombies/leapers/headcrabs that came your way. All I care about was the sweet shotty he gives you. :3