What Mods are you looking forward to?

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With the capabilities of the source engine, I was wondering what what mods you guys most looking forwards to...same name's (cs, Dod) or new ones? I'm thinking that with the new capabilities of source, we could start to see some truly unique mods using it's advanced physics engine. What are your thoughts?

There is a forum called "General Editing". This particular thread has been brought up in there
DAMN, last great war looks amazing...so many nations...
Originally posted by Murray_H
There is a forum called "General Editing". This particular thread has been brought up in there

Sry Murray...I didn't realise that it had already been brought up. Ill try to remember that since I wouldn't want to break the precious rules ;). Anyways yeah...the last great war looks amazing! Thanks for showing me it :)

hmm i dont understand.

Day of defeat will be the ww2 modification of half life2. Do these guys think they can beat them considering the dod team work at valve now? Or are they banking on the "im not paying for a ww2 half life mod" crowd.

Its like people making mods like conflict in somalia for battlefield 1942. Its the same as desert combat. Why not concentrate on something unique like natural selection did.

On topic, natural selection will be the one im looking forward to. Slimy walls and webs and high quality models. Finally the cheapasses who are too lazy to get a job and upgrade will not hold back the comunity.
no offence

No offence to LGW but I really don't think they have a chance agianst DoD definately since its moving to the HL2 engine. DoD is more well known and they work with vavle.
is it confirmed that DoD will move to the HL2 engine???

suck for the suckers who've just bought the DoD retail...
but hell yeah...I'm in on the Natural selection deal!

that game is simply amazing! so near perfect from first release...a little balance problems, but that's only to expect from a game with so diverse forces as the Marines and Aliens are.
The ones that aren't announced yet. The ones people will think up after they see what the source engine can do. :)
I agree with Ahnteis, the best mods will be the ones that people will think of after they know exactly what the Source engine is capable of. Right now we know very little of the engines potential.
Definately Natural-Selection! With the new engine it could create a truley immersive experience :) Perhaps stop ono's from climbing ladders tho :p
A natural selection2 would be cool indeed, but it will take time to complete....

I'm looking for some new names, but, to be honest, i dont care much about hl2 mod at this time... i just want to play the damn sp mode....
Any WW2 or Counter-Terrorism mods will surely be overshadowed by Day of Defeat 2 and Counter-Strike 2.

Natural Selection would be simply great in the HL2 engine, though it could possibly be even better with the Doom3 engine! (Depending, of course on whether id provide solid netcode/multiplayer support...)

I'd also love to see Action Half-Life 2, but the A-team seems to have ruled it out at the moment. ;(

Having taken a look at the current list of mods in development here, I'm not too interested in any of them yet...
haha well NS would be great on the D3 engine, but considerin the limits of the engine on how many people can be onscreen, and the fact only 4 people can join in 1 server basically, NS would still find its home in HL2 than D3 (though it does provide a great environment)
Yea, LGW kind of has a lot of expectations and features that seem pretty farfetched. If they rely on those and they aren't capable of implimenting, they will fail miserably.

That's why for my mod, we are thinking of features so far that are possible for HL1 because they will more than likely be available to be included in HL2.

(Link to my mod in sig ;) )
I'm really waiting to see "Jurrasic Rage", I can just imagine those dinosaurs jumping at you when you drive your scouting jeep :E
I would like to see a MMORPG that is realistic, if you dont like a player you can jus walk up behind him and shoot him in the head or something an the other players can sort you out, not one like "oh no you cant shoot people like that it spoils the fun!!!".
Originally posted by Cleric
I would like to see a MMORPG that is realistic, if you dont like a player you can jus walk up behind him and shoot him in the head or something an the other players can sort you out, not one like "oh no you cant shoot people like that it spoils the fun!!!".

1) you won't see any successful MMORGPs as a mod

2) if a MMORPG choose to use the Source Engine(which btw I'm not sure it will be the best at) it wouldn't have anything to do with realism or wether or not you'd be able kill other players.

3) player kill prevention in current MMORPGs is there for a very good reason. one being that MMORPGs need a steady income(fees) to keep i running with servers, tech/customer-support, patches & updates...and that Happy customers are "Happy paying customers"...now happy customers are not people getting killed all the time by other players and not being able to enjoy the game that they pay for on a monthly basis. if you were able to do player kills, you'd have an enourmous amount of "griefe-players" which basically means that you'll have a heck a lot of the people that got into he game first being so powerfull that they can slay any n00bie with a blink of the eye(and trust me they would...teh interw3b is full of assholes). the best way IMO to deal with this is to do as some MMORPGs already have done and have the world split into zones. "safe zones", "PvsP zones" and perhaps even a "normal zone"(where you can still be slayed by NPCs/monsters but not other players).
It's to early to know that. Know that HL is back and looking better then ever and is even more open for modding we should be seeing many mods with different themes. I saw one mod that was going to be with cartoons, quite cool.
There is only one mod I know (of the current HL1 mods) that will be greatly improved in other things than graphics, it's DoD (Day of Defeat).
Originally posted by A.A
It's to early to know that. Know that HL is back and looking better then ever and is even more open for modding we should be seeing many mods with different themes. I saw one mod that was going to be with cartoons, quite cool.

I'm pretty sure you won't see any MOD made MMORPGs! it just doesn't work....here is why:


if the game engine will be used in a licensed MMORPG game though is another story...although I don't think that Source will be the best engine for that kind of game...
None. They haven't even got their hands on the engine yet, how can i look forward to what is just empty promises at this time?
I agree.. maby when I see some good progress off a mod who looks very prommesing. then I can pic favo mod's..

Now 90% off the mod's planned are not going to make it!
because the ladder is set higher. It is much more difficult to make mod's these days. highpoly models, advanced psychics and ai coding, facial animations. higher and better textures, DX9 shaders, etc.
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
I'm pretty sure you won't see any MOD made MMORPGs! it just doesn't work....here is why:


if the game engine will be used in a licensed MMORPG game though is another story...although I don't think that Source will be the best engine for that kind of game...

WTF has that you just wrote to do with my post?
I for one want original mods, not CS 2 or another mod about WW II, where you fight against each other. Weee how fun.
NS 2 would be great on that engine.

I want something in Mad Max style, we got cars now and fighting in desert will be a great addition. Is there any mod for HL like that?
Me to, thats why I will go with "The Last Great War". They got so many good plans and Im gonna keep an eye one that one.......all promises for now but hey!
im getting bored with all these WW2 games they all promise "new" features but are all the same!! an when will people stop picking on the Germans? i for one would much rather run around shooting french people, but maybe thats just me...
Whos picking on the germans? I would love to be a german soldier and shoot americans...but maybe thats just me.....