what will happen in HL3


May 18, 2003
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what will happen in HL3? discuss here!

Valve said they are going to make a Halflife 3.

I wonder how much of an improvement the engine will have over the hl2 engine.. I cant wait. (game trillogy)
any ideas about HL3 can be discussed here
AAArrrrgggghhh you made this to spite me an destroy my brain!!! how am i sposed to remember all my module work if im thinking about HL3!!! DAMN YOU ALL!!!!:bounce:
well cleric.. you practicaly begged me to start it.. so lets cut thiss oftopic crap and get on with dah posting!
no i definatly said "please DONT" but no one ever listens...
lol, to be honest, I don't think we can comprehend how advanced the HL3 engine will be, assuming they make a new engine (which hopefully they do).

If they make the same "gap" as they have done for HL to HL2, then I hope they take another 5 years to make it. :)
according to gabe the game will have a ending just as great/frustrating as the end of HL1...

Im thinking HL3 should be gordons other choice if he did not join up with gman...This would make the game start exactly from the point were hl1 ended.
Hmmm, Half Life 3. I assume that will come with the appropriate hardware to access the neural implant at the back of your head?
yeah shockwave.. I like that ideah. I think that would be very cool.
then we can know what happened between part 1 and 2. however its not very logical.. because if hl3 was already planned when they started to make hl2 then they should have made hl2 between hl1 and the current hl2 (so they need to change hl2 into hl3)

i hope you guys can folow me.. because i cant :)
Originally posted by Shockwave
Im thinking HL3 should be gordons other choice if he did not join up with gman...This would make the game start exactly from the point were hl1 ended.

Hm... Won't that be "Half-Life 2b"? :cheese:
yeah sorta but halflife 3 just looks better :cheese: :bounce:
mayeb a little early to start speculating about HL3 now :)
I wonder how much better hl3 will look. I hope they find a way to do realtime global illumination by then.

I bet everything will look awsome.
Alyx marries Gordon, they get kids
G-Man takes kids
Gordon hunts G-Man
Some ailens
Gordon uses weapon to kill Ailen Leader (who apears to be one og Gordons kids)
Gordon finds the dying G-Man, who tells the truth to gordon

"aaahh.... Gor... Gordon... I.... uh... I need to tell you the..... truth... Gordon... this is a Computer Game"


the end...

Valve has already bought this script from me... :cheers:
In hl3 you will play as gordon freeman, you will use weapons for dispatching enemy forces, you will meet the gman, you will meet aliens, npcs, soldiers and such.

Uhmmm I cant imagine how hl2 will be.. I hope it will not be some kind of rebels against evil gman forces.....
When HL3 comes out graphics will most likley be %90 lifelike by then..as in like your really seeing real people and so-forth.

I think HL2 should have continued right from the point of where HL1 left off though..They could have made the game so you really could make your own choice whether to go with gman or not and depending on either side you chose the game could have been made so that you would end up in the same situation say like 10-15hrs into the game.

(best scenario would have been this..use the last scene from hl1 where gman is asking you to choose, use all the old graphics with him talking ect..ect.. then you choose a side and walk through the door, when you get through the door you enter the world and graphics of HL2...now this is how the game should have been written)
i honestly dont wanna know, just as much as i dont wanna know about hl2 story(till i play it ocourse:cheers: )
(best scenario would have been this..use the last scene from hl1 where gman is asking you to choose, use all the old graphics with him talking ect..ect.. then you choose a side and walk through the door, when you get through the door you enter the world and graphics of HL2...now this is how the game should have been written)

that would be ultimate indeed
Virtual reality will be he next big breakthrough. HL3 in VR would be sw33t :dork:
myeah.. i wished they would have continued the VR trend.. it sux @ the moment. the technology is to old.. and to expencive.. if they would have did the VR stuff like they do it with videocards.. then we would have some good products in a good pricerange

imagine a lan filled with VFX headsets
Maybe you finally know what the G-Man is a part of and you become a part of the big picture!
maby ... but I dont think graphics will be 90% lifelike.. you need alot of technology converted for the use in games to get 90% life like games. even the render plugins like brazil etc. can barely accomplish 90% life like games.
Just think about to computer Youll need to show such grapic !!
In HL2 Gordon confronts the Gman who tells Freeman "I am your father"

In HL3 Gordon confronts the Gman again and convinces him that he still has good in him and the Gman hands out free stock options to all surviving Black Mesa employees.

The world is at peace.
we dont know what is going to happen in hl2 and we are thinking about the story of hl3 lol
I hope with all my heart that they will not add such a dumb "hey gordon, I am your father" crap.. that would make the game suck intantly /me crosses fingers
Originally posted by Shockwave
Im thinking HL3 should be gordons other choice if he did not join up with gman...This would make the game start exactly from the point were hl1 ended.

Wouldnt that make the game the hardest game ever??

game starts...
Fight 30+ huge hard to kill aliens with out a weapon...
Fight 30+ huge hard to kill aliens with out a weapon...
Fight 30+ huge hard to kill aliens with out a weapon...
Fight 30+ huge hard to kill aliens with out a weapon...
Fight 30+ huge hard to kill aliens with out a weapon...
Fight 30+ huge hard to kill aliens with out a weapon...
Fight 30+ huge hard to kill aliens with out a weapon...
Fight 30+ huge hard to kill aliens with out a weapon...
Fight 30+ huge hard to kill aliens with out a weapon...


um ya...so your saying the way HL2 starts is comptley wrong..

(yes that is how HL2 starts exactly what you said,but add to it that you run until you find the hev suit and then weapons)