When It Comes Out Do Not Flood The Forum With New Posts


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Do not come here when you see Steam is up and make a new post where you say "ITS UP!!"

I know there are going to be at least 3 of those.

Don't do this.

I remember when everyone at theforce.net was waiting for the new star wars trailers...as soon as it hit the net BOOOOMMMM

20 new posts
same thing with the release of the UT2K3 demo....seriouslly man, some ppl are friggin nutz.
Originally posted by Goombatommy
same thing with the release of the UT2K3 demo....seriouslly man, some ppl are friggin nutz.

I think everyone should go to the 2 week old posts and post that Steam is up in there... yea that will be fun.
no make a new post, call it "Its Hear" or "Its up"

and then in the body of the text, put like "my pants" lol

ammusing the number of hits the topic would get. (and flames)
it´s up!

No but imagine when the game comes out on steam jeez.

20 days to heaven