When it went down.


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
I'm probably ignoring something, but why was the site down? And for so long....was it another blown router...or six?
Well basically we got hammered - at around 5000 forum goers the website slowed to a crawl, just after that the website failed to load for many people - we estimate around 6000+ people were hitting the site at this time. We contacted HomeLAN and they said they were going to add ten more servers to support us and do something to the database ( I'm not up on the technical stuff ).

That entire night we were waiting for HomeLAN to do their stuff, staff members who were incontact with HomeLAN started going to bed one by one until I was left on their IRC server waiting for a reply. 1am, 3am, 4am, 6am, 7am then I finally crashed out myself.

Woke up to find no PM messages but they came to us a day later ( the boss of HomeLAN no less - w00t ). We got things sorted and Munro restored the website.

That's the basic gist :)
Everywhere, we got advertised on a bunch of news sites after the Gabe thread was proved to be official.
Where were these news sites when Gabe posted about the Anti-Aliasing issues? Everyone hop on the HL2 bandwagon!
It's all Gabe's fault for posting the leak comment.

Maybe you could call 'claims direct' or another of those companies which sue perfectly innocent people, for stupid peoples claims. They could probably get you £25K for lack of sleep or something.

Meh, I might sue cause now i have to read through all the spam and flame to find any info. Loss of work time claim anyone?

Ah well, I blame Sue.

(I think i'm drunk)