Forum Artifact Preservation Project


The Freeman
Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
The text posts of the forum seem pretty complete going back to the inception of the site, but much of the pictures, artwork, design and other media are lost to defunct hosts or the ravages of time. I'm a bit of a data hoarder, and have a lot of this stuff saved from the early years, so will attempt to preserve this precious history by attaching it here. Have something site related squirreled away? Post it here!

Moved/copied a couple pictures to the more appropriate Ascension category, and made some shots less ultrawide.
Pulled Site Design Examples & Site Related into new category.
Spoilerified Member Pics - there's just too many of 'em! (found more). Should be able to point to thumbnails and see member name in address path. May break this out into multiple sections later.
Added King smilie, ríomhaire user doodles.
Added Veg Photo Edit Contest pics.
More to come.
Last edited: - the comic

ComicPage1.jpg ComicPage2.jpg ComicPage3.jpg ComicPage4.jpg ComicPage5.jpg ComicPage6.jpg ComicPage7.jpg ComicPage8.jpg ComicPage9-2.jpg ComicPage10.jpg ComicPage11.jpg ComicPage12.jpg ComicPage13.jpg ComicPage14.jpg ComicPage15.jpg ComicPage16.jpg ComicPage17.jpg ComicPage18.jpg ComicPage19.jpg ComicPage20.jpg ComicPage21.jpg ComicPage22.jpg ComicPage23.jpg
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The Ascension:

The Ascension - HLWiki.png cptstern lotso posts.JPG cptstern - 29,999.jpg stern 29999 big.jpg stern ascention - Stern's countdown to concealed weapons on Poland!.jpg Stern captured 1.jpg Stern captured 3.jpg stern commieee1.png Stern's countdown to 30,000 posts - Halflife2_net.png Stern's countdown to concealed weapons on Poland! - Halflife2_net.png Strange, vivid dream about my eyes popping out 2.jpg Strange, vivid dream about my eyes popping out.jpg tell-me-when-its-over.jpg A T T E N T I O N - Halflife2_net.png bagged milk.jpg sternskylineasseenfromthemainrivers.jpg 30000fd8.jpg thread div 0.jpg stern-incident.gif stern 30000 (reset to 1).jpg
I also have a couple saved pages of this and other topics as an .mht, but it's another filetype it's not letting me upload. They are scrollable, etc. with the old design mostly intact.
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Obviously I can't have looked through all of this yet, but I just want to say that this is amazing and that you belong in a museum.

Apparently I can't attach zips? That's going to complicate things...

I'd look up general file uploaders like Mega or others. Good luck!
Miscellaneous stuff, might be from here or elsewhere or just HL related.:

2j0hv1j.jpg 2znmmv8.jpg 4E4dv.jpg 5 Things You Didn’t Know About HL2.png 98eydc.jpg 1043asdfasdfasdf.jpg 5368_162402435032_635865032_3874414_5781510_n.jpg 358436961_1cdc084dc6.jpg A-Bike custom title.jpg Adabiviak deskry8.jpg Alyx_Rodney.jpg riomhaireacidtripnc0.gif are you high.jpg bi84mf.jpg breadcrab.jpg car break-in notice.jpg cgw 10-05 page 1.jpg cgw 10-05 page 2.jpg cgw 10-05 page 3.jpg cgw 10-05 page 4.jpg cgw 10-05 page 5.jpg cgw 10-05 page 6.jpg cgw 10-05 page 7.jpg cgw 10-05 page 8.jpg cgw 10-05 page 9.jpg cgw 10-05 page 10.jpg cgw 10-05 page 11.jpg custom Portal level noob.jpg don-t-drink-the-water.jpg dragonshorts.jpg DSPZt.jpg dys_and_valve_big.jpg EATDRUMS.jpg EmptyEyedAlyx.jpg er.png fmue0y.jpg Fragmaster resigns.png Freeman Plaza.jpg gabefck.jpg garfield.jpg gman crazy.gif gman.gif Gnome-Bjorn.png Gordon Freeman - Managing Director.jpg Gordon Freeman, Rabbi, PhD.png Gordon, the early years 1.png grandpa freeman.png Halflife2_net - I am tired of this site____________I need hl2.png Halflife2_net - Valve, I love you.png HalloweenZombine.jpg handofdog.jpg headcrab lego.jpg headcrab_on_button-p145940792032548746t5sj_400.jpg headcrabfunnyyyyku3.jpg headcrabsdh5.jpg heads.jpg HL2 bubblegum.jpg HL2 cookies.jpg hl2chat.jpg Hl2-DND door sign_v2.jpg icons.jpg jesus dog.jpg Just step back for a minute.png khanshitmj6.jpg kirov airship.jpg Krynn72's room DSCN1207expl.jpg Krynnermancopy.jpg lemonkingsmom.jpg lolarabsdg7.jpg lolwutdb0.jpg lotsokittehs.jpg mac 146840-valve_half_life_1984_original.jpg mac 150310-valvemac-lg.jpg mac Freeman.jpg mindless_moder funny.jpg Mocho.jpg NarrowCorridors.jpg original.jpg p6QHfoW.jpg Pa9755c8c24f5759e9d2e3caded41550a_5.jpg pc2f0e42168ea1da3cd7323zy1.jpg Phobie anon guyfawkslolui1.jpg pi bitches.jpg raziaar's strange sighting.jpg razibeavercrywo5.jpg razi-gaunt.jpg Real-Life.jpg The REAL Age of Conan rating system - Age of Conan Forums.png roflhlqp3.jpg rorcow.jpg ruby oswald.jpg Sam Stern.jpg samonlk6.png SDC10595.jpg SDC10598.jpg SDC10601.jpg shephardox0.jpg sixteenth vs viperidae.jpg sneaky5rv.gif space travel.jpg taviow - describe your life in 6 words 2.gif taviow - describe your life in 6 words.gif The death of former Russian spy (NOW WITH EXTRA BUNNY ^_^) - Halflife2_net.png The horror - DarkSamon.png The wildlife of therealconan8ss.jpg toast.jpg Turk.jpg txbkRJV.jpg unozero's room picture001fe2.jpg unozero's room picture002xb6.jpg unozero's room picture004kp6.jpg vacuumspace7ri.jpg Valve beating.png Valve with Chi.png Valve%20time.jpg vegeta 20k.png vegeta ban stern.png veWdcjmPboKrQ0Js21EgeA.jpg waiting cart.jpg what could he possibly be thinking - Halflife2_net.png wheresstern.jpg y7XiOKR.jpg zgs - worth the cost.jpg smoke depressed.jpg zombieclothes2tw.jpg Zombies Have Kids.jpg


  • G-Man ascii.txt
    7.9 KB · Views: 121
  • Gordon ascii.txt
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  • Pieces of Meat.txt
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Could you encapsulate each post into a spoiler tag to make scrolling through the post easier? My phone nearly ended itself trying to load this treasure trove.
Could you encapsulate each post into a spoiler tag to make scrolling through the post easier? My phone nearly ended itself trying to load this treasure trove.

Hey, that's a good point, I hadn't considered phone users. I should be able to do that with everything except the member pictures for now, they would have to be inserted as thumbnails instead of attachments, and then we'd lose easy browsing of the member names. Let me know if you're still having problems after that.
Hey, that's a good point, I hadn't considered phone users. I should be able to do that with everything except the member pictures for now, they would have to be inserted as thumbnails instead of attachments, and then we'd lose easy browsing of the member names. Let me know if you're still having problems after that.
Oh yeah, I see what you mean about the file names doing the hard work of labeling each picture for you. As it is now though, my phone had a much easier time in comparison, so thank you! I'm not usually a phone user.
Site Design Examples & Site Related:

Bear army invades russian mine.png Britain's well crap innit - Halflife2_net.png catbutt.jpg envelope.jpg finalpi.png Halflife2_net - my latest article (it's a beast).png Halflife2_net - Valve, I love you.png - feel great.jpg teh lost kitteh.png Types of Bitches __according to a 3rd grader - Halflife2_net Forums.png carrot_rah.gif banner contest.jpg banner-center.jpg banbanbanbanbanva3.gif banstick3mu.jpg halfalifetwooo8ge.jpg typicalhello.png community.gif crazytext.png CSS release forum snapshot 1.png d128unclehl2netsg5.jpg einforumgf2.png gabefab.jpg Gabe's birthday message 2005.PNG locked thread is locked.jpg motivator1975773ul6.jpg munro products.jpg mw5op4.jpg numbers munro.jpg 15357's Munropia.jpg old ass password.png


  • ChrisNewcombe-PR.txt
    5.2 KB · Views: 123
  • Spit's Adventure IRC chat.txt
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  • ranks.txt
    394 bytes · Views: 110
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this is amazing, i can't wait to dig through all this shit. i probably have some old shit saved too... somewhere, but it will be a hell of a nested directory rabbit hole to find any of it.

just a suggestion, for posterity it's probably better to upload them to imgur, which will likely survive this forum and/or its next incarnations that lose attachments like hl2net did after switching to xenforo.
Excuse me what the **** do you mean by that
post some of your early hl2 pixel art! i remember one that i think was the main square outside the trainstation in city 17 but i could be wrong. i also think i remember a nova prospekt one