where will you be The Day After Tommorrow?

probably school then waiting for my damn x800 pro to get here
awake at midnight ready to play hl2 as sson as it is unlocked on my system, then sleep, then hl2, then college, then hl2

On Tuesday, I start work at 8am (GMT) the exact time Steam unlocks HL2.

I'll be playing it in the evenings.

As an added kick in the teeth, I have to work Saturday and possibly Sunday as well!
Was asked quite a lot.

I'll be at school when HL2 unlocks (9:00 PM CET), and every minute of my time spent home will be spent on HL2 or homework.
7:30am wake up, get showered/ready/dressed, go to choices video at th bottom of my road at 8am (or when they open, i must find out!), register then i'l be playing hl2 until maybe 12pm, eat sum lunch, text some ppl at school ive told about hl2, go back to hl2, play til 4pm, go on and on about it to my dad when he gets in, hl2 again, eat dinner, hl2, tv,and at about 10-11pm bed, then 3lessons till 1pm on web, then hl2 again!
got me the day off work........so hl2 all day for me ^_^
I'll be at work till 5pm, then at home prepared for the 7pm launch :) Then I'll be up for roughly three to five hours playing HL2.
Bed, then in front of the puter. No school tuesday, wednesday and thursday, so i'll be playing hl2 ;)
First school at 8am(HL2 unlocks at 9am GMT here), then some heavy playing when i get home at 3:30 PM.
First school at 9AM (time wich HL² is unlocked where I live...) then, I'll come back at 12AM to lunch and to unlock hl² then I will return to school, and I will play hl² around 4PM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8AM-3PM School (Unlock at 10AM)
After the longest schoolday of my life I'll run home as fast as I can and play the game non-stop until next morning when I have to pay a visit my to my school again. :)

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'll come and activate it on lunchbreak!
Im going to play it at 12 AM and play it unitil 7:30 AM then I will have to leave for school.
I'm going to school at 07.30, and getting home either 15.15 or 16.15.
We are having the Junior Retreat on Tuesday, so I will be off somewhere with the rest of my class goofing off at some place with food and brownies and shit. When that's over I'm hauling my ass home ... Oh wait, baseball practice ... Maybe i'll skip it ...
Watching, The Day After Tomorrow :p
Play Hl2 though
Universitly>Store>Home and then wait one more week until the new computer arrives. :(
Sleep... tghen waking up at 2:30AM to get ready for 3:00AM when HL2 is released (I live in EST time zone) and then playing till 6:30... then getting ready for school.. then home after some stuff after school to play HL2 the whole nighjt
class... then class again... then crying because I have to study instead of play because VUG is a bunch of mother****ing bastards who wont let me play now.
In hospital because of my burnout? Nah, seriously, I'll be playing the game almost all day long.

Oh and maybe come here four minutes after the unlocking, and I'll claim I finished it. :cool:
I took Tuesday, Weds, Thurs, and maybe Friday if I need it off for HL2.
school then home oh and laughing at my friend who has no life that he stayed up till 12 am to play HL2 on a school night where we got to wake up at 6am to get to school