Where's Barney?

Jun 10, 2006
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Come on, my favorite character is not making a single appearance! :( And seeing how we are heading for Borealis we won't be seeing him in Episode 3 either. Unless we'll pick him up somewhere along the way, of course. Anyway, this sucks.
Unusually, there isn't a single line of dialogue to be found acknowledging him and telling you what happened to him (I searched the Closed Caption file - zip. Aside from one mention in a commentary track). No one character deserves more of a rest than him, but you would have thought someone would think to mention Gordon's best friend at some point.
I agree, Barney was GOrdond first propper pal. He should come back and get rid of Magusson the annoying old fart
Barney may well come back and be the one who ends up leading the rebels to victory against the Combine in ep.3...It was kind of strange that he was completely absent from this game though, even a mention of him would have been cool...
There's not even a mention of him in the recap video prior to the beginning of Episode Two. I think he got written out, probably due to the unavailability of his voice actor (Micheal Shapiro). Barney wouldn't "work" if they suddenly had to switch actors.

That's my theory, at least.
There's not even a mention of him in the recap video prior to the beginning of Episode Two. I think he got written out, probably due to the unavailability of his voice actor (Micheal Shapiro). Barney wouldn't "work" if they suddenly had to switch actors.

That's my theory, at least.

Incoming theory buster:
G-Man is also voiced by him.
Assuming Barney stuck with his flock of City 17 refugess, he could have been far north of White Forest while EP2 took place. Oh well, perhaps Barney deserved a break for EP2. He was the only main character besides Alyx to show up in EP1 in full form and not just appear on a screen.
He should've been leading the defense at the White Forest base. Would've given me one reliable person to keep Hunters off my back.
I believed that for a second. Then I thought of Blue Shift when you see Gman go by on a tram.

Unless you don't count that as canon...
Incoming theory buster:
G-Man is also voiced by him.

Is this true? Cause the voice actor's unavailability was my guess too...

(Yes, I'm asking rather than verifying it myself when it probably wouldn't take more than five minutes...)

Either way...we should have gotten at least SOME mention. Unless Valve has a major, and surprising, role for him in episode 3 (somehow legitimizing his complete absence), this was a big **** up...
I read a review for the OB and they said 'the whole gang is back'. I play the game and no Barney. :(
Is this true? Cause the voice actor's unavailability was my guess too...

(Yes, I'm asking rather than verifying it myself when it probably wouldn't take more than five minutes...)

Either way...we should have gotten at least SOME mention. Unless Valve has a major, and surprising, role for him in episode 3 (somehow legitimizing his complete absence), this was a big **** up...
Somebody should email Gabe and ask him where the hell is Barney. But I guess he is indeed in some remote location with all City 17 refugees.
I haven't played the game yet, but I'll say this much: Barney didn't need to be in Ep. 2. I love the guy, but whatever works for the story works for me--and it sounds like there's plenty going on as is.

He's obviously still alive somewhere and I'm sure we'll be seeing him again.
Well Barney might be a long way from the white forest, but its strange noone even mentions him...
Is seems like all the other characters has forgotten about him...
nobody likes rednecks. they want to forget he exists.
I think it's pretty safe to assume that Barney is indeed with the rest of the refugees from City 17 helping to protect them, considering that's what he was doing in Ep 1. His train left quite some time before the one Gordon and Alyx were on. We never made it to where he was anyways since the train fell off of the bridge.
Ok think about it guys. The Citadel was destroyed. The repression field was down. Humans were able to finally procreate after X amount of years of not being able to. Barney + a trainload of men and women take a trip into the secluded forest. Not too hard to figure out what he was doing in EP2. I win.
Barney should have been the guy handing out stuff before the Strider attack. Because generic rebels make Baby Jesus cry.
The Citadel was destroyed. The repression field was down. Humans were able to finally procreate after X amount of years of not being able to. Barney + a trainload of men and women take a trip into the secluded forest. Not too hard to figure out what he was doing in EP2.
That's one hell of a mixed doubles tournament.
There is no reason to mention him. He really isnt affecting their situation. Although i dont know why he would of gone right to white forest and help with the rocket
At first I too was confused by his absence, but I think he was just further up ahead with refugees. I bet what will happen is that you'll get to wherever you're going via helicopter in Ep. 3, and then while there you make contact with Kleiner/Magnusson and they tell you Barney and some other rebels are inbound to your position via chopper to help you and Alyx out. I sincerely doubt they'll just cease mention of him in the future.
I'm also a bit disappointed that one of my fav characters, Barney, didn't make it to EP2. I hope he's still alive, though, but I wonder where is he? How come he was not in the White Forest base? The worse thing is that no one actually made a mention about Barney as he would not be a part of the story.. come on! I hope he will be back in EP3.
I bet he's gonna have his old black mesa security gear in episode3.

No reason to wear the cop suit now.
He got time to change, thank goodness. Must've been getting smelly underneath,a whole week without taking of your clothes. I hope he comes back in Episode Three. I can just imagine him "Die you giant flying alien slug thing! Just like old times, eh Gordon?"
Yeah, I was hoping that this game would have Barney in it, especially since I recently replayed Blue Shift. I hope he makes an appearance or even gets mentioned in Ep. 3.