Which are your favorite portal mods?


Jul 17, 2011
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I have played several mods and among them my favorites are those that bring something new to the game: nice history, funny maps, new npcs, options, skills ...

I advise you to try the following ones:

+ Rexaura - with new items that bring new challenges (19 chambers)
+ Factum Solus I - Episodic history with killing chambers and a new npc (but very short)

It would be interesting if you also tell us which you played and what is your opinion about them.
I have not played any, but was curious about this. Thanks for recommending those.

And actually I've been wondering if any of the co-op mods are any good? Played through it with an old friend last month, and was sad there wasn't more.
A bunch of Portal 2 maps I enjoyed(many are short maps so you should probably install a bunch and play them after each other):

12 Angry Tests: Nice 1-hour mini campaign that goes through all the visual themes and even has a brilliant boss fight at the end.
Edifice: Many brainy puzzles, in the 'destroyed' theme.
Sphere of Roundness, Old Faithful, Delta Bunsen: 3 brilliant old-aperture themed maps by our very own Lobster!
Patent Pending: Lots of good puzzles, winner of ThinkingWithPortals' 2011 mapping contest.

Fast Bridge: 30 minutes of good puzzles
Electrophobia: 3 maps in one, especially the final puzzle will make your brain explode. Takes 1-2 hours.
Surprise: Just some good puzzles.

Portal 2 has no 'official' map support so here are short how-to-play instructions(or just check the readmes):

SP: Put the .bsp in portal2/portal2/maps , launch the game, enable the developer console from the menu, bring up the console with ` and type 'map mapname' without the quotes
Co-op: Both players have to install the map like SP ones, then the host(person who SENDS an invite, the blue robot) types 'changelevel mapname' in console when they are in the lobby.
Thanks! I have not yet tried any coop mod. I'll play them.

Now you mention Portal 2 mapping: I'm waiting for the release of the new 'Portal 2 Puzzle Creator' to test it.
It seems to be very interesting and at the same time simple!

Sorry, I forgot the links to the mentioned mods:

Factum Solus

I'll continue looking for more...
Portal: The Flash Version - Portal Mod..... I thought that was fun... bloody hard in places. Weird considering I had played the 2D Flash Version online for years. It had hard light barriers/floors among other things
Portal Prelude - Porbably the hardest one out there for portal.
Rexaura - Preety-fun and easy one.
Portal Pro-The most badass portal mod,only if you have a lot of time,and nerves to kill :D
Portal:Unity-Try it,you might like it
That's basically the mods i had most fun playing for portal.
Alive & Kicking not released yet but demo is great :D