Which is better? ATI Radeon 9500 64MB? or The GeForce 4 Ti4600 64MB?

Buy the one you like :)
Anyway, the lowdown is that the 9500 has much better DX9 support (well, the Ti doesnt have any) and can run with FSAA/AF at bearable framerates. BUT its not that much faster than the ti4600. So it isnt really a speed challenge here.

But its comparing two different generations, so if you want to know which one is BETTER, its the 9500, without a single doubt.

But what would you pay for it? If prices are the same, the choice is obvious. If the Ti is much less expensive... Depends on how soon you are willing to upgrade again.

I would still advise a 128mb card though, the prices arent that high in comparison. May not be good right now, but we see the leaps engines take, and a 9500 Pro with 128mb isnt that expensive.
plus there are softmods available that unlock certain features in the 9500 that will drastically improve performance

i myself used to own a 4600, and the image quality was pure shit. i couldn't turn on any FSAA thing at all

i recently went with ATI and it's absolutely great, 9800 Pro, i wholly recommend the ATI line, as my friend has a 9500 Pro, and it's running fabulous for him too.
plus there are softmods available that unlock certain features in the 9500 that will drastically improve performance
Only if you are lucky and have a very old 9500 (9700 PCB) one can unlock the pipes. Most of them are out of the shops. Even after that its only if the actuall pipes work, many of these 9700 PCBs where faulty and thus became a 9500 by only using half of the pipes.

Its not anything worth betting for.