Why Are People So Rude?

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Jul 5, 2003
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Peoples are so rude on gaming forums. Same as this one.

Ok I'm sure 90% of all of you are total geeks who got teased at school and never had sex and your age 25.

I allow 10% because I'm sure there are people out there who actually gets laid and are cool.

So the 90% of you. You know who you are. Do you act all smart and dickhead like to make up for what you really aren't? I just don't understand it. All gaming forums people are rude as.

All the non-gaming forums I'm a member of users never act wrongly towards me or my posts. But for some reason geek infested holes like this one are just bluntly out of line at times.

How about you people who got teased in the past remember two wrongs don't make a right. And remember who you are. A blunt, flat out geek. So why be something like a jock or some crap because your not.
I'm 16 and I don't get teased at school :D! And I'm not a jerk 99% of the time on here! O yeahhhh, I'm in that 10%. Yeah, people have been jerks around here more and more. There should be a chart. And btw, a post about people being rude and um, insulting people in that post kind of gives a mixed message :\
LOL, this guy cracks me up, and I think he just took my trophy as most-hated-user on the forums. Dude, maybe about 40% are "geeks". Idk bout the rest of the crowd, but I get laid, I go out, I have fun, I socialize with other people, I have friends. And I'm sure a good portion of these boards do too. Don't ASSUME things, you make an ASS out of U and ME. And, your new! You have about as much a right to make a statement like that, as I do to say you have a 2 inch penis.
Yeah.. did someone get told off here? so you have to make a post calling people geeks showing that you YOURSELF are rude?
Yeah, i'd have to agree with Gojin there.
Posting about how rude people are, and then insulting everyone doesn't go well.
I'll be 17 in a month, I don't go out of my way to piss people off, and the only people that TRIED to criticize me at school were on drugs.
Welcome to the forums.
hahaha omg.

You have to admit people are assholes on gaming forums. If you don't agree with me there well there is something wrong.

Oh you better get use to me aswell. I'm not going anywhere. So when I get to 100 posts am I a 'non-noob' then or what? hahaha
No but when you have 4 it's pretty safe to assume your new. Alsoooo, I do agree. A lot of people on gaming forums are jerks.
To become someone who you refer to "as a nice person" Isnt allowed to be someone who can like computers/computer games and has to of had sex by the time he has left school? Nice

And you come here claiming people are rude, when your doing the exact same thing. Way to go by destroying your own argument. There are probablly some assholes on here, true. But it is best to ingore them and let the Moderators deal with them.
But yeah I guess I kinda contradicted myself. Sorry guys.
Lots of people get teased on forums.. just because you have to be a bitch about it and post something means we are jerks?.. well yeah.. I am a jerk.. but not a geek.. for that matter
Yeah, there are assholes on forums, escpecially ones dealing with popular video games.
90% of the people here probably have REAL lives too. Ever heard of a "casual" gamer? I go out with friends, I go to parties, but yeah, I play video games too.
If you have a problem with people that play video games you're probably in the wrong forum to complain about it.
Okay, I'm 12, how am I supposed to get laid?Does that make me a fag?No! And I don't get teased at school, but I can't get laid.:afro:
P.S. I definetly noe Im not a jerk, I respect other ppl's thots and etc...
No, your just in no position to judge anyone on this forum, although your right about some of them. Not mention any names. And who said we wanted you to leave. Basically this is what you just did "Hey everyone, 90% of u are all losers and Im better than you, no i wont leave, so shut up its my way." Just remember, its not your way, we can easily put you on ignore, and noone will probably like you anyway.:)
But see thats my job :D I get to be a jackass and tease newbs.. while you grow tough from my insults.. hopefully you wont grow up into a mass murderer..
Yes, I like games, I live with my parents, I am 30 and never had sex. Happy now Kamakiri?
LOL @ Tredoslop!! Eh, dun worry about getting laid. A couple more years and you'll have it all comin' yur way :thumbs:

P.S. Don't be nervous about it either.......
I'm 46 years old, my mom still spoon feeds me, I haven't changed my boxers in 23 years. Never met a girl in my life, and was home tutored. I do nothing but play video games all day and night.
Wait a minute..... Don't you mean "I haven't changed my whitey-tightys in 23 years??"
Damn, does anyone remember their first time getting laid? I do, it was 4 years ago, i was 12. Got laid by a 15 year old.:) Great times. Only had sex about 10-15 times in my life. It's not a major factor in my life, if it comes, it comes.
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
Wait a minute..... Don't you mean "I haven't changed my whitey-tightys in 23 years??"

Well..uh...yes...i suppose.........;( :dork: :o
You got laid when you were 12?.. kids these days..
Originally posted by guinny
Damn, does anyone remember their first time getting laid? I do, it was 4 years ago, i was 12. Got laid by a 15 year old.:) Great times. Only had sex about 10-15 times in my life. It's not a major factor in my life, if it comes, it comes.

Masturbation doesn't count.
Yeah I guess i don't look for sex either. If it comes it comes. I've had girlfriends but no freedom. So yeah I guess i like my single life playing games aswell. :)
Had a friend get pregnant from someone else a while ago. Not riskin' it just yet :\. Ruined her life.
There you go Kamakiri, now that your all warmed up to us...get the **** out.:p Anyway, yea i was 12, but hey, my manhood was pretty large for 12. :)
Did you walk around with your grampa's cod piece? bad boy.
Can you smell the testosterone? Must be you, Guinny :rolleyes:
I am a 45 year old game addict. I get teased daily as I walk by the highschool with my mother on the way to the star trek conventions. Luckily, somebody with a japanease name on a forum for computer games showed me what a pointless life i was living. Now I buy the good hookers at the airports instead of the skanky hos on main street. Thank you anonymous therapist man.

All these exaggerations remind me of a good SNL episode..

Jim Lehrer:
Which beings us to our final question. Governor Bush, both you and the Vice-President have offered plans to provide prescription drugs for the elderly. What makes your plan superior?

Al Gore:
Jim, I'd like to interrupt here and answer that question as if it were my turn to speak. Jim, let me tell about a friend of mine. [ holds up a picture of an elderly woman ] Her name is Etta Munsen. She's 94, she's a widow living on Social Security in Sparta, Tennessee. Etta was born with only one kidney. She also suffers from poilo, spinal menengitis, lung, liver, and pancreatic cancer, an enlarged heart, diabetes, and a rare form of styctic acne. Now, several recent strokes, along with an unfortunate shark attack, have left her paralyzed and missing her right leg under the knee. Just last week she woke from a coma to find that, due to a hospital mix-up, her left arm had been amputated, infected with syphillis, and then reattached.

Jim Lehrer:
Mr. Vice-President, we are short of time..

Al Gore:
As you can imagine, Jim.. Etta's prescription drug bills are staggering. They run to nearly $113 million a day! And she tells me that some weeks she has to choose between eating and treating her Lyme Disease. Now, under my plan, Etta's prescription drugs would be covered. Under my opponent's plan, her house would be burned to the ground. And that is wrong. That is just wrong!
Even at its worst this forum is far better than the official Sierra Half Life 2 forums. I've never been on a forum where I wanted to filter moderator posts. I couldn't stand it after a while. This forum is much better. It serves its purpose and never really gets too far out of hand and the users are definitely a bit more clear-headed over here.

But I hope the moderator "The Smoking Gun" on the Sierra forums gets hit by a bus. What an asshole. One guy made a few posts mocking him under different user names and Sierra ended up bitch-slapping his ISP into dropping his account and made efforts to see that he couldn't get a cable modem through the competing companies either. That's not the Sierra I used to love 10-15 years ago.
Synth, know what I heard? Half-Life 2 is being kept in a lock-box. And with thaat, lock-box, there is another, lock-box, where that is being kept. So you see, Valve's, Lock-box, will stop any demo of the game from being released.

Edit: That presidential debate sketch is one of the funniest sketches I've seen, especially that part you mentioned..
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Peoples are so rude on gaming forums. Same as this one.

Ok I'm sure 90% of all of you are total geeks who got teased at school and never had sex and your age 25.

I allow 10% because I'm sure there are people out there who actually gets laid and are cool.

So the 90% of you. You know who you are. Do you act all smart and dickhead like to make up for what you really aren't? I just don't understand it. All gaming forums people are rude as.

All the non-gaming forums I'm a member of users never act wrongly towards me or my posts. But for some reason geek infested holes like this one are just bluntly out of line at times.

How about you people who got teased in the past remember two wrongs don't make a right. And remember who you are. A blunt, flat out geek. So why be something like a jock or some crap because your not.

Kamakiri, it's sad to see that other people are treated rudely, but i think you set your expectations too high. You are dealing with the general public, of which a majority enjoys hiding behind anonymity, and they do things they would not normally do.

See, i'm four years older than you, have a life and i'm physically fit. Those who might annoy me on-line, would think twice should they meet me in real life, although i have to say that i'm a rather laid back person, who gets along with most persons and it takes quite a while for anyone to annoy me.
"my manhood was pretty large for 12. "

By manhood you mean ego right?? :cool:
/me pokes nietzsche


/me pokes nietzsche again...


/me pokes nietzsche


/me pokes nietzsche again...


/me pokes nietzsche


/me pokes nietzsche again...


/me pokes nietzsche


/me pokes nietzsche again...


/me pokes nietzsche


/me pokes nietzsche again...


/me pokes nietzsche


/me pokes nietzsche again...


/me holds his palm against guinny's forehead, while guinny struggles to reach nietzsche's body in order to poke him again...
Let's see, your 28. I'm 16. YOU BIG BULLY. I can probably kick your ass anyway. ;)
This seemed oddly appropriate right now.


/me takes his hand away from guinny's forehead, after which guinny falls flat on his face. :dozey:
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