

Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
why do the combine soldiers make me laugh so heartily?

ho ho ho i go when i see those combine so...

true story

i think it might be their masks
yeah... i... get the same thing.....um... hahaha...yeah.

their masks are teh cool :D
Their masks are teh cool...but not teh funny.
Whenever I actually listen to their radiochatter at the start of the game, I always expect one of them to say All your base are belong to us.
It'd be great if they said: "You have no chance to survive, make your time!" before attacking. Now that would be funny.
They can be kinda goofy guys.

"pick up that can"...

I found that to be hilarious.
"You citizen, come with me!"
"Yeah I'm gonna need some privacy for this!"

-That was the goofiest combine of them all :LOL:

-yes, I am aware that was Barney
RaBiD WeAzEL said:
They can be kinda goofy guys.

"pick up that can"...

I found that to be hilarious.
I love it how he makes sort of a pause;
Pick up that can. Now, throw it... -in the trashcan.

Sort of anticipating what went through every player's mind at the time. Oh I'll throw it alright I'll throw it rig... oh, you meant in the trashcan...
How DARE you, AJ Rimmer!!

"All your base are belong to us" is the most profoundly important and moving statement a computer game character has EVER made, and don't you DARE diss it! :angry: :angry: :angry:





ROFLMAOUHD!!!! If you believe that, you'll believe anything!! :naughty: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Doppelgofer said:
why do the combine soldiers make me laugh so heartily?

ho ho ho i go when i see those combine so...

true story

i think it might be their masks
Stop getting high while playing HL. You're just begging for a bad trip.
Maybe it's the gasmask that forms into a 'snout', well sort of.