Wildstar: An MMORPG even I might want to play.


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
This could be the first MMO whose gameplay wont make me want to kill myself out of boredom. I'm actually... almost... kinda excited for it.

I'll just pull the videos from their website, should explain the game better than me paraphrasing it.
It grew on me the more I watched. Rather like it personally. A lot more personality to most of the characters I think, compared to standard MMO fare. Fits the "not taking things very serious" mentality of the game.

More videos on the gameplay:
Psyched for it, just like I get for every new MMO release - only to punch myself in the nuts repeatedly for even having a drop of hope. Please let this be good. :\
This looks great, ill have to look in to this. i wonder what kind of death punishment there is.

Edit: Didn't find much on death penalty. Personally I'm a fan of harsh penalties. loss of inventory/equipment and xp.
This looks great, ill have to look in to this. i wonder what kind of death punishment there is.

Edit: Didn't find much on death penalty. Personally I'm a fan of harsh penalties. loss of inventory/equipment and xp.

I can nearly assure you none of that will be the case with Wildstar.
Harsh penalties wouldn't really fit with the light tone of the game.
I like the style but I'm never getting my hopes up for another MMO again.

... except maaaaaaaaaaaaybe Everquest Next.
EQN is going to suck, ESO certifiably does suck. Don't be excited - dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed

This seems kinda neat though.
A friend asked me about thier pricing plan so i looked it up, thought i should share it here too. It is basicly the same as EVE online's pricing plan.

15USD a month (cheaper if you buy multiple months) aswell as ingame "C.R.E.E.D." which is the same as Eve's PLEX. you can buy account time using ingame currency. CREED can also be sold and traded like PLEX if you want to make some ingame money by buying CREED with real money. CREED is 20USD
I'll play if the PVP is skill based and not gear dependent. This game looks carebear as **** so I'm assuming there won't be any real penalties for dying, but the combat does look interesting
i'll show you coole man i have the best cast in AC