
TMPer Tantrum

Nov 3, 2003
Reaction score
I have made a barrel suspended about a meter off the ground from a rope connected to the ceiling in a room.

I want to be able to press a button that will cause the barrel to be hoisted to the ceiling, drop to the floor (gravity drop, not controlled drop, but still connected to the rope) and then be suspended back at its original level, about a meter from the floor.

Does anybody know how I would best achieve this?


Basically the same type of thing that is in Ravenholme with the zomie crushing cars.
I myself have been wondering about those gas traps...
Heh, that too. I don't understand how to make things like valves turn. I guess it's a type of button. But how do you get the gas shader there? I could do it if I knew that.
I think the gas shader is actually a heat haze. There was a post on how to do it in the (I think) VERC forums.
The heat haze is either env_smoke or env_steam cant remember which, the valve is a func_momentary i think, im guessing it still uses origin brushes but i havnt checked.

As for the car trap, i really really wanna know how thats done, it has alot of parts that are usefull for so many things.