Wow, I Just Realized...


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
0 much of a geek I am.

I had abs a few monthes ago. and lateley i've been too busy w/ CW:MP and school and gaming to exercise. So today I realized that I can use the exercycle while paying NFL 2K3 on my Xbox. pure genious. Now I get the 40 minute aerobic exercise I need to keep my figure trim ;), and I'm imroving my football skillz.
I realized that instead of taking the elevator I can walk up the stairs for 10 stories at 7:00 am in the morning much to the amazement of the Albanian janitor. He pats me on the back and calls me "Sportinski" or something like that.

By the time I'm on the 10th floor I'm really short on breath and basically feel like I'm gona pass out .. hopefully this will provide some positive results.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I realized that instead of taking the elevator I can walk up the stairs for 10 stories at 7:00 am in the morning much to the amazement of the Albanian janitor. He pats me on the back and calls me "Sportinski" or something like that.

By the time I'm on the 10th floor I'm really short on breath and basically feel like I'm gona pass out .. hopefully this will provide some positive results.

If an early death to heart attack is positive results...
Yeah being a geek is hard. You either do no excersize at all, or you have to do it in a way so that nobody notices it.
TV has given "Geeks" such a harsh image. Now-adays, geeks are as cool as the jocks really.
Another good idea is to always leave late so that you would have to run to not miss the train/bus. Not only does this save valuable time, but running 1-2 miles a day is good excersize, IMO.

You can think of this stuff as you go through your day. There is always an easy and a hard way to do something. Thats how I manage to stay in shape.
Hmm, I don't know Tredoslop, their are quite a few people in my school who are super-geeks and look the part. I'm a super-geek I guess but you would never know by looking at me.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
TV has given "Geeks" such a harsh image. Now-adays, geeks are as cool as the jocks really.

hahahahahahaha oh so naive.
Originally posted by qckbeam
Hmm, I don't know Tredoslop, their are quite a few people in my school who are super-geeks and look the part. I'm a super-geek I guess but you would never know by looking at me.

Yeah, same here.

I don't even have a classification (skater,geek,phr33k) at school.
yeah, I prefer not to be classified, I also don't hang around or associate with any group of people (which I guess is normally called being a loner but, whatever). The jocks are too....jock-like, and the geeks are all super shy/depressing/scary/insane.
heh, I hang around with anyone who I like, some of them are 'jocks' and some 'geeks' or whatever :D if people are fun to hang around/drink with then I hang around/drink with....
I was born with a muscular body....I remember in year 3 when someone found out I had big bicepts, and I cant believe I showed everyone:eek:

*simmo looks at his bicepts

phew...there still there, I dont even lift any weights or anything, there natural :D
Well.. I was born FAT.. But about one year ago when i saw the girl i love.. i realised that i have to work out a bit to get in shape so i woudnt be ignored on partys and from beautiful girls...
Now, my stomach as 6 bumps as a washingboard... my biceps lokes like they've exploded and im hooked up with the most cutest and most wonderful girl in the world... The only problem to this is that i have to workout 5-6 times a week wich takes alot of time...

Anyway... Im happy with myself now.. and you should be 2 ;)
Easy, you slobs need to suscribe to your local gym: 1 or 2 hours a day, 3 or 4 times a week and you'll see results in less than a month : )

Try the goldgym they have excellent instructors and equipment.
Im 10.5 stone with a medium build and excerside daily and take a jog in the evening. :) Then get on with some heavy pr0 gayming.

Baked Potato's with melted cheese are the win too.
Going to a gym is a big no-no. The moment you step into a gym is the moment you stop being a geek. Besides, I also love beating my friends (who spend 2-3 hours in a gym every day) at arm wrestling and they wonder how the hell I do that.
Lone you must not take pride in being a geek or a jock or whatever, exercice keeps you healthy; and arm wrestling is no exercice : P
Before you know it sleeping will be an excersize.
I don't take pride in it. I just strikes me as odd when I walk by a gym that there are people using a stair climbing machine or a treadmill when 3 hours ago they probably took a nice elevator ride to their 20th floor flat.

It's like something out of a satirical sci-fi story.
Wow! From what I can see, you are all in good phisical shape, with muscular sport bodies. I mean, one has big bicepse the other - something else. How manty push-ups each of you can do?
lol when i'm angry, pumped up, in the mood etc...I can do near 50 (struggling :LOL:)

And yeah, its annoying that if you stop workin out for about 3 weeks you lose everythin ;( (according to me PE teacher)
LOL I just go off the chair and did 30 easily. Really thats unprecedented cause I had not done a push-up in a year or so.
I struggled doin my 50 well bad...I was shakin and everythin rofl....but I havent done em in years 2 :dozey:
hmm I feel like working out now after doing that. I wanna get myself mentally prepared to talking to a girl at 4:00 pm today.
Ive got big biceps, broad shoulders and im damn proud of my powerful legs. The thing that needs work on me are my abs. I don't usually work out but sometimes I sprint and jog around to get my heart going.

One thing I find that helps me get exercise is to make normal chores much harder. When im at my house for most of the day I wear these special workout clothes that have weights built in to them. That way I get something of a work out just trying to walk around.
bleh, I just play badminton, that keeps me fit, and strong... ;)#

I would go to the gym... but, a girl I used go out with works there... and we had a kinda messy breakup... she got quite upset... and I haven't seen her for 3 months :D
Just got in from my jog. Saw a great sunset over the hills too :)
I just finished working out on my improvised bench press, listened to some music with the volume turned up really loud and ate 12 tic-tacs at the same time. Now I'm ready to call her.

Oh wait .. no I'm not :(
Doesen't it depend on the size of the lawn? :p
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I just finished working out on my improvised bench press, listened to some music with the volume turned up really loud and ate 12 tic-tacs at the same time. Now I'm ready to call her.

Oh wait .. no I'm not :(

Call her d00d...get it over with, and show her you so called bicepts, abs :p if all else fails :D

EDIT: lol me and dux's avatars rule!
I just walked all the way to the kitchen to grab myself a sandwich.
Top that if you can!

But seriously, I go to a gym 3 times a week.
So that should keep me alive a couple more years.
But it's so damn expensive. ;(
Damn! how did you manage to get that sandwitch ?!, you must of had years of training!
As long as im not fat or want to become a cyber ninja i dont care and i cant see it happening
Originally posted by simmo
Damn! how did you manage to get that sandwitch ?!, you must of had years of training!

Join me and you too shall have such power.
The immense power of the dark side! :devil:

*breath in sound* *breath out sound*...

*breath in sound* *breath out sound*

I am your father!