XBOX360 Upcoming Games List


Jul 31, 2004
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With the release of XBOX360 approaching, I though it would be useful to compile a list of upcoming games for the new platform. I will do so by genre.

Officially announced XBOX360 games:

** indicates confirmed exclusive title

2 Days to Vegas (TBA)
Alan Wake (TBA)
Afterburner Next-Gen (SEGA)
Battle Angel (TBA)
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (EA)
Chrome Hounds (SEGA)
Dark Sector (TBA)
Dirty Harry (Warner Bros. Interactive)
Dogtag (Digital Jesters)
Frame City Killer (NAMCO)
Gears of War (Microsoft) **
House of the Dead 4 (SEGA)
King Kong (Ubisoft)
Ninety-Nine Nights (Microsoft) **
The Godfather (EA)
The Outfit (THQ)
Saint's Row (THQ)
Scarface: The World is Yours (VU Games, 2006)
Stranglehold (Midway)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 3 (Ubisoft)

Indiana Jones (2007)
Metronome (TBA)
Omikron 2 (TBA)
Theseis (TBA)
Tomb Raider: Legend (EIDOS)

Dead or Alive 4 (Tecmo)
Virtua Fighter 5 (SEGA)

Call of Duty 2 (Activision)
Halo 3 (Microsoft, 2006) **
Perfect Dark Zero (Microsoft) **
Prey (2K Games)
Quake 4 (Activision)
Unreal Tournament 2007 (Midway)

Huxley (Webzen)

Kameo: Elements of Power (Microsoft) **
Sonic Next-Gen (SEGA)

Avalon (TBA)
Burnout: Revenge (EA)
Full Auto (SEGA)
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (EA)
Project Gotham Racing 3 (Microsoft) **
Test Drive Unlimited (Atari)

Blue Dragon (Microsoft) **
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda)
Lost Odyssey (Microsoft) **

Final Fantasy XI (Square-Enix)

Amped 3 (2K Sports)
College Hoops 2K6 (2K Sports)
FIFA Soccer 06 (EA)
Madden NFL 06 (EA)
NBA 2K6 (2K Sports)
NBA Live 06 (EA)
NHL 2K6 (2K Sports)
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 06 (EA)
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (Activision)
Top Spin 2 (2K Sports)

Condemned: Criminal Origins (SEGA)
The Darkness (Majesco)
Dead Rising (Capcom)
Demonik (Majesco)
Possession (TBA)
The only games I am interested in for XBOX 360 are full auto, condenmed and the two new Bioware RPG's.

EDIT: I have no idea why that unhappy symbol got in the title.. oh well.. :(
Halo 3, the new morrowind and dead or alive 4 are the only things that seem interesting, and considing Dead or alive 4 will most likely be on ps3 as well, and the next morrowind on PC. Im not going to buy a console for just one game.
Would you buy a console if Half-life 3 was only coming out for that console?? :eek: :eek: Hypothetical that's going to happen. :x

Would you??? :angel:
dream431ca said:
Would you buy a console if Half-life 3 was only coming out for that console?? :eek: :eek: Hypothetical that's going to happen. :x

Would you??? :angel:

No, that would be stupid.
i thought it was just announced gears of wars was going to also be on pc ? or that's at least the title on a bunch of articels on gamespy and others.
destrukt said:
i thought it was just announced gears of wars was going to also be on pc ? or that's at least the title on a bunch of articels on gamespy and others.

Yes it will be.
Anything by Bungie will keep me happy. :)
Also, Full Auto looks like it could be a lot of fun, plus Dark Sector looks like it has amazing graphics and a good stealth/action concept.
I'm waiting for Ninja Gaiden 2. And some more sword fighting games, I hope Otogi gets some more games.
The only thing there that interests me is Halo 3, but I won't be buying xbox 360 for it - definatley not after the atrocious halo 2.
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (EA)
Gears of War (Microsoft) **

Dead or Alive 4 (Tecmo)

Call of Duty 2 (Activision)
Halo 3 (Microsoft, 2006) **
Perfect Dark Zero (Microsoft) **
Prey (2K Games)
Quake 4 (Activision)
Unreal Tournament 2007 (Midway)

Burnout: Revenge (EA)
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (EA)

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda)

Madden NFL 06 (EA)
NHL 2K6 (2K Sports)

Ooooh baby Xbox 360, here i come :p
destrukt said:
i thought it was just announced gears of wars was going to also be on pc ? or that's at least the title on a bunch of articels on gamespy and others.


TeamXBOX said:
Considering the strong roots Epic Games has to PC gaming, one of the first questions that the media asked when Gears of Wars was announced was if the game is coming to PC in addition to Xbox 360.

At E3, Cliff Bleszinski clearly stated that the game is an Xbox exclusive but later, in an interview with Eurogamer, J. Allard revealed that Gears of Wars wasn’t an Xbox 360 exclusive, saying that the game is coming to both Xbox 360 and PC.

Mark Rein, Vice President of Epic Games, came to the rescue with an official comment on the subject. Here’s what Mark Rein said regarding Gears of Wars platform:

Gears of War is an Xbox360 exclusive. We're developing it specifically to take advantage of the power and features of the console. All of the work on Gears between now and when we ship is toward creating the ultimate Xbox360 game.

Could we, in the future, adapt Gears for Windows just as Microsoft did with Halо? Sure we could and, as you can see from J Allard's comments, Microsoft is clearly cool with that idea.
But we're a long way off from thinking about that. Right now our only goal is to make Gears one of the "must have" titles for Xbox360 and judging by reaction to our relatively early showing at E3 we're well on our way toward achieving that. One major web site,, already voted us their Best Xbox360 Game in their Best of E3 roundup!

If you wait for a PC version that isn't even in development yet or isn't definitely coming out yet, you're going to be waiting a lonnnnnnng time. (Judging by Halo, 2 years after the game's debut on X360). And the late coming PC port of Halo sucked compared to the XBOX version.
Last time I heard it was going to be on PC, guess they changed it. Meh, gears of wars looks cack anyhoo :O