Just been on XSI and havent got any hair left ( Yanked it out) Frustration cos i dont realy know what im dooing, BUT im not giveing up no bloody way.
What ive been thinking is all the NooBs and Vets amoungst us Can we get to gether on lets say an IRC chan and disscus possible ways to help eachother out and swap Very basic ideas on this great but very hard Program XSI.
Quakenet #XSI
Suppose what we need is a fiew very basic weapon modle tutorials/How to for you more experienced guys that know the ropes and have been were us NooBs are right now.
What ive been thinking is all the NooBs and Vets amoungst us Can we get to gether on lets say an IRC chan and disscus possible ways to help eachother out and swap Very basic ideas on this great but very hard Program XSI.
Quakenet #XSI
Suppose what we need is a fiew very basic weapon modle tutorials/How to for you more experienced guys that know the ropes and have been were us NooBs are right now.