XSI Skeleton Question


Nov 22, 2004
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I'm following a great tutorial from XSI on how to make a bipedal skeleton, except that when it comes to making the spine, it says select these two objects created for you and <do such and such>. Well, they're not created for me, since I made my own scene. How do I create a control object? I need a pelvis control object and a chest control object.

basically it doesnt matter what objects you choose to create your spine from.
the tutorial scene had two prepared ones that are sort of easy to make out from the lot.
you can just go to Get > Primative > Implicit > whatever you like and make a spine from a couple of these.

in any case, you should also try the "biped guide" and "create rig from biped guide" from the character menu under animation.
yeah just use biped guide and if u want a custom rig move it aroud before creating rig from guide.
Okay. I'll play around with the biped guide a little. The reason I wanted to start from nothing so I could learn how to do it first, then play around with rigs. Besides, my pirate model is really really simple. The coders gave me a poly cap at 1500, so I essentially made a Vectorman-like character (for skeletal animation simplicity and because I've never made a full human before). They told me to make a block dude so I can work on the animation, but then to just make a model that uses the same skeleton and I should be okay.

I've got another question: I'm following the tutorial and it tells me to select the collar bones and the neck then go to Constrain - Pose and then select the chest_control object. I just made an implicit box to use as my chest_control object and for spine creation. When I click on the box to hook the bones to the box, the bones become skewed. They are rotated 90 degrees and scaled flat. The bones are also bent a little. If I were to bend them back and scale them back, would it affect anything later on?

im not sure that i understand you right. try freezing all ttransformations. what tutorial are u using.
I'm using the tutorial from XSI about character setup. It uses Dr. Beckman and has me create a skeleton.

How would I freezeall transformations? Select the bones then click Freeze or is there a different freeze button?

I tired freezing the bones, but nothing happened, it still made the bones flattened and rotated 90 degrees. I've followed the tutorial as close as possible. I couldn't use the control object they wanted me to, but I created some implicit boxes instead. The spine works fine, but the arms and legs are rotated and scaled when I try to Constrain - Pose them to their respective boxes.

Any ideas?

you should use Up Vector for legs and hands. It should solve your twisting problems.
as for the spine - try rotating the implicit box before making it a spine.
i was talking about going to transforms> freeze all transforms. what is happening? after u compile it rotates it 90 degrees. is this when using valves animations. when i compile a custom weapon replacing an existing one. before i have remade all the required animations. so when it is my custom model but with valves animations everything is rotated by 90 degrees. so rotate -90 should work but i have a feeling it didnt work last tiem i tried it.