You, Citizen! Come with me!

conditions could hardly be more ideal...
do you know who ate all the doughnuts?
"Woah Gordon, it's so big and hard, it even shines a bit, can I touch your crowbar?" - Alyx
"mr. freeman, mr. freeman, mr. fre free freeman."

*gordon wakes alyx with crowbar
"AHHHH why did you do that?? every moment I live is agony..ohh the pain the pain!!!!!!!!!!"
"Gordon.. your staring at me again..."

bah beaten..


"Body? What body? heheh hehe hahah heheh (etc).."
"Dutch!" "Gordan! You son of a bitch! Does the G-man have you pushing too many pencils?"
koncept said:
wake up and smell the ashes... bitch
I could just imagine that being like an outtake or something with gman's actor havin fun with him
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.
PvtRyan said:
You, Citizen! Come with me!

*opens trenchcoat*


Sorry.... disregard this post.... :hmph:
Actually, you'd be surprised who it actually is...

PSYCHE!!! It's Neo! :p
It's all I have left...*gets pushed*uuh...All right i'm moving, jesus.

Are you the only ones on that train?

part of Breen's opening monologue...

"Welcome! Welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my administration here in the citadel so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. I've been proud to call City 17 my home. So, whether you are here to stay, or passing though on your way to <.........>, welcome to City 17. It's safer here."

still can't get that one bit b/c of the chick with the reverb voice saying too loudly what Ownzed posted. :angry:
Soon the marine commandment will be here and I will bring this hell to eart... err wrong game
"Oh fu-"

Last thought in Gordan's head before Strider blue beam of death mucks him up.
"Hay, ill buy you a beer if we ever get out of this place"

... i am suprized no one has said that :p
PvtRyan said:
I'm gonna shoot you in the FACE!
Most hilarious quote in this whole thread.

Now this is the stuff you can't get on your 486...
clarky003 said:
their waiting for you Gordon, in the test chamber

HL2's oncore

'Alyx leaves the room'

Kliener: She's waiting for you Gordon, In her under pants


Kliener: Why do we have to wear these ridiculious ties! :dork:
ship said:
"Dear Dr. Breen,

Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle?

A concerned citizen."
"oooh aaah nice"

*door smashes down*
"Citizen, continue for 5 minutes then halt" :D
Citizen A: First the building and now the whole block

Citizen B: They dont have any reason to come to our place, dont they?

Citizen A: Oh dont worry, they'll find one
Oh wait, thats what i'll say when I kill my first strider with random small objects using the manipulator.
