You have no advertisements on this site?


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Figuring that you get 500,000hits a day you should have some advertising added to the site, might make yourself some money and at the very least you would get free hosting
I would only have advertisements if there was no other possible alternative. At the moment I'm paying for hosting because ads are very annoying and people don't want them. Until I'm living on the street I will continue to pay for this site and keep ads off.
I didnt even notice that we dont have ads, well people get used to good stuff really quick : P
Ya im just saying if you put ads on the site, this will pay for the hosting, allow you to host tons of files...basically going the way of planethalflife but alot better.

PlanetHL's half life 2 section will be a subsection of the site they have now so theres a good chance for someone to really step ahead of them and be the best source for HL info/material. is already the best.. so STFU :naughty:

And I have respect for Munro that he does this not to make money off banners, but for the fans of HL2.
I do agree that having a banner at the top of the page isn't exactly going to hurt the site and it will give you money to pay for hosting. No one will think any less of your site we all know that hosting costs.
Originally posted by Shockwave
Ya im just saying if you put ads on the site, this will pay for the hosting, allow you to host tons of files...basically going the way of planethalflife but alot better.

PlanetHL's half life 2 section will be a subsection of the site they have now so theres a good chance for someone to really step ahead of them and be the best source for HL info/material.

Yes it is right now..have you looked at all the other hl2 sites?..there like a 3rd grader have put them together. As we get nearer to the release more sites will start popping up and the ones with the better layout, there own news(not getting it from another site then posting it)...The more this site can can do the more of a chance munro has the chance to speak with valve and get answers from them directly.
not that it matters to me cause i have all ads/banners and popups blocked(dont think i have had one in over a year now) but it can only make things better around here
It would be fine with me if you added a banner our two becasuse they dont bother me, but pop-ups just go too far.
Don't use popups. Most people have pop-up blockers nowdays anyway. Banners are nicer and easier to fit in to the site design.

Of course smart people (like myself ;)) use Mozilla, which has a built-in pop-up blocker (and banner blocker!)

/end Mozilla plug :D
whenever i see a popup, my blood starts boiling :flame:

dont mind a banner at the top though, if it would help your economy :thumbs:
use adshield...i havent gotten one pop up in a year, it runs in IE as a plugin so takes up almost no resources
Ads tend to take up space on a page, forcing smaller titles and everything kinda goes lower to make space... even those FP style ads on the side



are kinda crappy. I wouldn't mind them, but if you need the money a good alternative is Paypal or some form of donation. Fans are always happy to do their part if it's for a good cause, like this site :bounce:
Hey look how does their advertisements...They are nice and neat and no-popup's.

Really BFCentral's ad's dont bother me one bit since they are banners and are easy to navigate around. It helps them alot for hosting and such. If you decide to do it, which I think would benefit you AND us, since you might be able to do more with the site. Just another thought :dork:
Never use ads till you absolutely need to = win
Ok, the plan for ads on site i discussed with munro, is and/or (depending on the page)
a 468x60 ad at the top somewhere, which fits in with the layout (like on bfcentral...) and/or a 120x600 skyscrapper advert somewhere on the right. or maybe only a 120x60 button, depending...

instead of a paypal donation... buying hosting is prefered