You Need To Purchase Before Pre-loading Day Of Defeat:source???



hey guys i was wondering if that was the problem i tried to pre-load day of defeat:source and it froze at 98% so i was wondering if that was the problem
No, normally you should be perfectly able to fully preload your copy of DOD:Source without having to purchase it.
Try restarting your computer.
well i think you have to

well i asked some guy on a day of defeat server and he said you have to purchase day of defeat:source first or else you cant pre-load
madog44 said:
well i asked some guy on a day of defeat server and he said you have to purchase day of defeat:source first or else you cant pre-load

not true

anyone can preload
please tell me how youknow this because i tried twice and it froze on 98% so whats your explenation???
The fact that you got to any % proves that you can preload
ya your right i retryed and its working sorry lol thx it works now the day of defeat:source pre-load works for me