Your top 10 favorite directors (alive or dead)


Jul 11, 2003
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This was kinda inspired by the "top ten favorite actors thread." I wanted to post there, but then I remembered that actors are lame and generally totally interchangable since acting is about the easiest thing in the world. Directors on the other hand.....they are the ones that make or break movies, the ones weilding real talent. Seriously, put an amazing actor in a movie by a shitty director and that movie is still gonna suck, but even a terrible actor usually can't ruin a film by a genious director.

Mine are:

1. Stanley Kubrick
2. Alfred Hitchcock
3. Francis Ford Coppola
4. Wes Anderson
5. Ridley Scott
6. Peter Jackson
7. Paul Thomas Anderson
8. Quentin Tarintino
9. Spike Jonze
10. Steven Spielberg
I don't have 10, but I'll usually see movies simply if they're directed by Steven Spielberg or (especially) P.T. Anderson. I really like Tim Burton as well, but it depends on the movie with him.
Quentin Tarantino (who would have guessed... :D)
Sergio Leone
(a must!)
Tony Scott
Brian dePalma
Oliver Stone
Ridley Scott
Michael Mann
(Heat, Collateral...)
Takeshi Tikano
Robert Rodriguez
John Woo
(old stuff)
stanley kurbrick
the dude that made goodfellas
....thats about it, i can't come up with 10
Hmmm... T1, T2, Aliens, True Lies and Titanic aren't really my favorites... so... :(
1. Martin Scorsese
2. Terry Gilliam
3. David Lynch
4. Jim Jarmusch
5. Ethan Coen & Joel Coen
6. Jean-Pierre Jeunet
7. Ed Wood
8. Ridley Scott
9. Wim Wenders
10. Oliver Stone