Your top movies of the year


Companion Cube
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys, this thread will be used to discuss our favorite movies this year. I will be posting 5 but you can post any number you want! Movies had to come out this year! Only thing I request is you write a little about the movie.

My 5 favorite movies this year (in order):

1. Bleak Night- Korean drama about a father investigating his son's death and how he unravels what his relationship with his friends in high school. The characters were all great and the story was told in a way that I really couldn't stop watching. Lovely movie that I recommend to everyone.
2. I Saw the Devil- Another Korean flick which features the main guy from Oldboy, Choi-Min Sik as a deranged crazy serial killer. It's a game of cat and mouse that goes awry and gets super violent in parts. Check it out.
3. Drive- I'm sure this will be on many people's lists and for good reason. I think it's a fair bet to say that this was an art house movie disguised as an action. The quiet and subdued moments in the beginning only made the extremely violent and explosive moments further on more intense. The beginning chase scene was amazing too.
4. The Guard- An Irish comedy starring Brendan Gleeson, and after I was able to decipher the accent I really enjoyed it. Gleeson plays a a cop of questionable morality alongside Don Cheadle, who I usually don't enjoy but managed to pull it off well here. Funny and wasn't exactly what I was expecting.
5. Attack the Block- British action starring a bunch of London hoodlums fighting alien-wolf things. Really cool use of CGI and it was basically a British, good version of Super 8.

Movies that came out in 2011 that I haven't seen yet and would probably change this list: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Tree of Life, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Shame, Melancholia.

I only posted 4 movies because I really can't recall anything I saw this year that would be as noteworthy as these.

Edited to switch around due to movies I forgot.
Mr. Popper's Penguins

It's positively popular with people and possibly paves the way for published stories in which penguins poop.

Hint: There's a character in the movie who only speaks in alliteration and is quite irritating. Nonetheless, a great movie for the entire family to watch. Otherwise, very mediocre. It's a Jim Carrey flick, so what do you expect?
Haven't really watched many new releases this year apart from Drive which was exceptionally great.
This is the only one I can think of because I saw it recently

Movie made about the Christcuch quakes, really interesting. Lots of new footage too which was good, was expecting a re-hash of news clips.

The Guard is the only new movie I recall watching this year, so I guess it wins by default.

Wait, no I watched the Captain America movie too, so yeah I guess the Guard still wins by default.
Can't think of any off-hand that Sliver didn't mention already (probably because he's been my faithful go-to for recommendations lately~). Saw Cave of Forgotten Dreams in 3D which was nice, especially as my first 3D experience (once my eyes adjusted). Minus the narration which was pretty cheesy and didn't set the tone very well. Too much rambling about mysticism and the human spirit and crap for my liking.

But yeah The Guard is fecking great.
tinker tailor soldier spy takes the top spot without a doubt, i'll have to think about a more concise list, though.

close behind that would be submarine and drive. cracking films.
The only 2011 films I saw were Horrible Bosses, which wasn't very good. And Source Code, which was okay, but not as fantastic as it could/should have been.
I'm gonna put alot of thought in to a list before I post.
Didn't watch a single movie all year.
sucks to be you guys, then - for some reason you've all chosen to miss out on some incredible films. for shame.
didn't watch any new films from this year. i'll wait for time to sort out the gems from the shit, i have enough on my netflix to keep me occupied
A Separation, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, The Skin I Live In, Tree of Life.
Oh god, Tree of Life was painful to watch. I really wish I had walked out. It deserves to be remembered only in mockery.
The most impressive movie should be "Source Code". It was okay, but definitely not as good as "Inception".
2011 was a crap year for most things, and movies in particular. Of the tripe I watched this year, I only really enjoyed Source Code and Contagion, both of which are well-crafted but have decent room for improvement. Haven't seen Drive, Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, or The Rum Diary yet but they seem to have promise.
Contagion had a retardedly kitschy premise. "Racing to find the cure" for a disease takes months and years, not days. I really want to see Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
I liked Contagion somewhat because of the psychological elements, of course it was far from the best movie I've seen.
I thought Contagion was boring. Tried to watch it twice and failed. Source Code degenerated into hopeless shit once I found the 'twist' or whatever you prefer to term it.
I havent seen drive and dont plan to anytime soon (the actor annoys me).

I guess it falls to Tinker Soldier Spying Tailor. 2011 really did suck ass for movies.
i feel sorry for you, then. ryan gosling is like no other role of his in drive. he's incredible in it.

Ill get to it eventually. Hes just one of those actors I dont like for whatever obscure reason.
I found In Time to be a pretty decent watch, if only for the concept. It was suspenseful enough as well, I suppose.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy & Drive are the two films that stood out for me personally. Though tbh I can't claim to have seen a lot.