Yout thoughts on how ep3 would go..

Get contact to White Forrest and save Miss Vance​

Saving Alyx is getting kinda old. The activate sleep sequence seems more to it, maybee a build up to it and then be hunted by nightmares.
Maybe the vorts helps the grieving Alyx and Gordon to get some sleep. They do their usual "magic" and then they dont have to show a hour long helicopter ride. Then Gordon dont sleep by himself and the player/Gordon is just forced to sleep.
I'd like to see Alyx save US for once.

Although I guess she did, back in HL2.
She did in Half life 2, from the Metrocops. Remember?
*sigh* Haven't you guys thought about the OTHER options, Valve could use to open Ep.3?
Like Ep.2, with an introductory movie.

First they show, how the advisors attacked, Alyx crying for help, rebels showing up after advisors flee...fade to black...fades back in...everybody is centered around a grave, somebody cries...fade to black...fades back and Alyx get on the chopper and start it with some people watching in the hangar, with the Gman standing in the middle of the crowd...fade to black...shows helicopter ride, your sitting next to Alyx, with a blizzard outside and nothing visible below...fade to black...fades back in...Alyx spots something, which is the Borealis and you land, which turns the control over to you, and the Episode starts.

Well this is just a example.
But they might come up with something like this.

There's far too much standing around and watching in that theory. Aside from the few Advisor scenes in EpTwo, where you were helpless but to stand (or float in suspended animation?) and watch, is not in the style of HL2 at all. They want you there, doing everything as a person as it goes by, with none of this fade-out-fade-in stuff to pass the time with. Valve have never been one to simply cut the pace with cut-scenes and whatnot.
"I can't believe he's gone." Alyx Vance, heroine of the resistance, has never looked more vulnerable. The rims of her eyes are darkly stained from tears, and her voice is breaking. "He's always been there for me. No matter what. After Black Mesa, after my mother. After the Combine, and all the running and hiding, he was always there, supporting me. Keeping me safe. And now he's gone." She eases back on the throttle of the aging Soviet chopper, steadying herself as much as steadying the vehicle.

Outside, flocks of migrating birds and Xenian boids are being carried along by the updraft of arctic winds. Just ahead, you can make out the peaks of glaciers towering into the sky. Above it all are the majestic lights of aurora borealis, dancing and casting a magnificent vista over the white tundra.

"I'm sorry, Gordon. I know we have a deadline," she says, trying to put the resolve back into her voice, "and I know what we have to do is bigger than any one of us, but I just..." she trails off. Your destination is still further out. "Gordon, can you take the controls? I think...I just need some rest." Your hands grip the flight stick in front of you as Alyx heads to the back cabin.


"My God." Rebel bodies litter Kraken Base, semi-frozen from the extreme cold entering through the various broken walls. The Combine swept through mercilessly in their pursuit. Alyx is unnerved, but focused. "Come on, Gordon. We have to retrieve the ship's coordinates."


The advisor had waited. While its kin had gone off in different directions, searching for the Borealis by air, this one had stayed behind at Kraken Base. It knew the humans would come and retrieve the coordinates. It simply had to wait.


Flinging objects at it with the gravity gun served to disorient it. The hurled projectiles themselves were no more than a nuisance, but keeping a steady barrier of barrels, tables, wooden beams, and anything else you could hurl at it prevented the advisor from locking on with its telekinesis. Every now and then a well-timed, well-aimed object struck the bloated worm in the head, disorienting it.

"Now, Gordon! Shoot it!"


The Borealis thrummed. It was still operative, after all these years. Inch by inch, cabin by cabin, plank by plank, you discover its secrets. Discover what happened here, what was and what became of Aperture Science and the crew of the Borealis. Discover the power that lies dormant onboard the ship.


"Gordon! The ship is activating!"

"Come now, Dr. Freeman. I realize that you wish to...honor...the last wishes of your deceased mentor, but destroying this vessel would be an ill-advisssssed...mistake. Try and think of the benefits before acting for once, hm?"


And that's how it should go. That is, at least, how I would do it. Plus, you know, some stuff like Mossman, and hopefully Barney. Killing the rest of the advisors, a lot of fighting inbetween with Combine soldiers and hunters.

Some stuff with Chell, probably.

And more stuff at the end. I am so looking forward to the ending on this one.
Spinning blades. The staccato roar of a chopper. You're looking up at the main rotor of a large helicopter. Or are you?
No, it's just a ceiling fan, in a room bathed in a warm orange glow. The cacophony fades.
An electronic voice chirps, as cheerfully as an electronic voice can, "Good morning, Dr. Freeman. The time is 8:28 am. Current temperature is eighty nine degrees, with an estimated high of one hundred and five."
The orange is everywhere, intruding from a window on the far wall. Through the blinds you glimpse wind-carved mesas and low, pre-fab houses perched among them. The apartment doesn't look like a person's home. Unpacked boxes and luggage are piled in the corners of the empty rooms. A phone, sitting on a box marked Dad's Nuke, blinks red.
You check your messages and are reminded of the test later that day. Plus that beer Barney owes you. You move towards the door of your residence.

Sudden flashes of pain. A ringing in your ears. Your colleague, Eli Vance, is suspended in the air before you.
"Destroy that ship, whatever it takes!"
To your left is his daughter.
"Don't look!"
"No! Oh my God, no!"
A shower of blood obscures your vision. For a moment, in that cloud of crimson, you think you see that bastard with the briefcase.

Spinning blades. The roar.
Alyx whispers faintly in your ear, "Dad... no. Don't leave me..."
A whirling fan blade lies before you, pushing air through a train platform bathed in New Mexico dawn. 6 foot tall letters spell 'Level 3' on the wall beside it.
Turning quickly, you see that the tram has arrived. Sleepy, lab-coated scientists clutching coffee and newspapers step off the platform, and the train car pulls away before you can reach it. The ever-present mechanical voice assures you that the next train will arrive at 8:45 am. The voice twists and distorts.
"The next train will arrive at 6:59:59"

Flashes. Ringing. The now-familiar swirling of events and conversations settles on a broadcast from Judith Mossman.
"We may have been spotted."
Grainy video pans across a large ship half-encased in ice. A shipping container suspended from a crane bears the words 'Aperture Science'.
"Due to the high toxicity of material routinely handled in the Black Mesa compound, no smoking, eating, or drinking are permitted within the Black Mesa Transit System. Please keep your limbs inside the train at all times."

Pulling away from the footage, its sound goes tinny, while the robotic voice drones on. The video of the Borealis is playing on a small screen in a train car. You are in a poorly-lit tunnel, deep underground. A green sludge glows eerily from below. The screen flickers and changes until it is merely an exit sign.
The voice continues, "Do not attempt to open the doors until the train has come to a complete halt at the station platform. In the event of an emergency, Dr. Freeman is available to end any threat. Kill, kill, kill. You have destroyed so much. What is it that you have created?"
Another tram approaches, moving in the opposite direction. It carries Eli Vance, staring silently, and the man in the blue suit. The ringing pounds away in your ears and the voice manages to make a monotone sound accusing.
"Tell me, Dr. Freeman. What sort of hero can't even save his friends?"
As the trams come alongside each other, both stop, and the tunnel fades into an inky blackness. At this moment, you notice Alyx hunched in the corner of your train car. She is bent over, sobbing, as if she were still holding her father's lifeless body.

The man with the briefcase smirks and speaks, jerkily and alien, "When I plucked her from Black Mesa, I acted in the face of objections that she was 'a mere child' and 'of no practical use to anyone.'" The centres of both cars bend and tear in silence as if some great force were ripping them apart, opening a walkway between you and the man in the suit. He comes close, and you can hear him breathe awkwardly as he speaks.
"I have learned to ignore such naysayers, when quelling them was out of the question."

The ringing and the sobbing are now almost unbearable, all around you like a womb. Flashes of light bring us to a funeral, tinged with the light of sunset, at White Forest. Eli lies, still bloody, on a table, and a sullen group are in attendance. Doctors Magnusson and Kleiner, a pack of Vortigaunts, rebel soldiers with knit caps in hand, an old fisherman, D0G with his head drooping. Barney Calhoun and several citizens burst in, breathless from the road. His shouting No! barely registers on the faces of those present. Next to you, Alyx cries and cries, and the endless roar grows. You try to make out what the priest with the eastern European accent is saying about Eli, but all you can hear is that terrible crescendo. Sobbing, ringing, and the roaring of a helicopter. And as it peaks, there is a flash, and the man with the briefcase stands behind the priest's makeshift pulpit. Smirking.
"Prepare for unforeseen consequences."

Another flash, and for a brief moment you can see Alyx's face. It is wet with tears, but she is no longer crying. Her face is set, resolute. She will kill every one of them.

Spinning blades. The staccato roar of a chopper. You're looking up at the main rotor of a large helicopter. Snowy peaks, gleaming in the daylight, slide past the open door of the helicopter. Hearing voices, you turn to see Alyx and Barney talking, not aware of you listening in.

Uhhhhhhh Barney is trying to comfort Alyx, Alyx is being all stone cold bitch, blah blah blah, Barney says 'Oh, Gordon, you're awake', maybe your chopper gets shot down. I got bored of writing

Jesus. I think that counts as fanfic. I feel dirty inside.
It doesn't count as a fanfic until I write in Alyx and Gordon fucking.

And I'm saving that for when I write up how I think Episode 4 should go.
I did notice the advisor tentacle was all thick and veiny
wtf ^

I do hope we visit some recognized places on the world map which have been taken over by the combine. Would be nice to see a failed citadel with the Eiffel Tower nearby something like that.. :}
We need some massive enemies in Episode Three. I love that scene in raising the bar where the early strider variant shows up in a giant aircraft carrier sized dropship.

Imagine fighting something the size of the tentacle monster in HL, but mobile. No long range attacks, just stomping around eating things, crushing buildings. You'd need some serious mobility to take it out, so you ride around in a snowmobile lobbing rockets at it. That'd be an awesome monster.
We need some massive enemies in Episode Three. I love that scene in raising the bar where the early strider variant shows up in a giant aircraft carrier sized dropship.

Imagine fighting something the size of the tentacle monster in HL, but mobile. No long range attacks, just stomping around eating things, crushing buildings. You'd need some serious mobility to take it out, so you ride around in a snowmobile lobbing rockets at it. That'd be an awesome monster.

I want a strider with a giant gravgun in place of its cannon thing
all picking up shipping containers and throwing them at you
actually I suspect the eventual advisor battle(s) will be like that, psychic powers and all

but yes a really, really big boss monster would be radical

You can imagine that strider slipping over :rolling:
Dunno, I got it from some hl2 based site. Don't remember where exactly. It was on my disk for a while now.
oh darkside I just noticed that up there it comes across like I'm dissing your terrible fanfic instead of my own terrible fanfic
ain't the case
gordon and alyx gonna go and destroy everything with dog , did u see how that advisor ran when dog ripped little part of him , i just want it to come out quicker
they have said as recently as the release of the orange box that
A. They are making episode 3
B. The episodes are a stand in for half life 3

you don't need to have opinions when you're informed
There's far too much standing around and watching in that theory. Aside from the few Advisor scenes in EpTwo, where you were helpless but to stand (or float in suspended animation?) and watch, is not in the style of HL2 at all. They want you there, doing everything as a person as it goes by, with none of this fade-out-fade-in stuff to pass the time with. Valve have never been one to simply cut the pace with cut-scenes and whatnot.

I didn't say it's gonna be like a full movie.
Every scene is barely a few seconds...
Actually, they said they were making Episode Three a while before even Episode One was released.
yes I put it that way to confirm that it was still the case

I didn't say it's gonna be like a full movie.
Every scene is barely a few seconds...

heh the other guy talks as if he didn't notice the prerendered cutscene at the beginning of episode 2
I didn't say it's gonna be like a full movie.
Every scene is barely a few seconds...

Niether did I - the fact of the matter is that Valve don't cut the pace of the story even by a few seconds of cutscene. They do everything right there through the eyes of Gordon. Granted, you woke up in EpOne away from where you last stood, but I'm presuming the Vortigaunts put you there safely from the top of the Citadel. At the start of EpTwo you begin right where you left of and that's the train, except theres no way to define where you did stand due to the shockwave from the Citadel at the end of EpOne, but it's pretty much exact and in terms of pacing it almost seems like there wasn't a - what was it, a years? - wait for EpTwo.

heh the other guy talks as if he didn't notice the prerendered cutscene at the beginning of episode 2

What, you mean the cutscene that isn't actually part of the gameplay, but is in actual fact nothing more than a recap of the previous episode? Yeah, that's fine, but that has nothing to do with cutscenes during the actual game to move the story and pace along which is what I am talking about. Good job for talking about something completly out of the scope.
I agree that his thing involved working too much unseen plot into the previouslies (like the 'next time on arrested development' that never actually happen), but the cutscene in episode 2 provides precedent like hella
plus half-life is famous for scenes of standing around doing nothing while shit unfolds in front of you. See: every story/conversation/transmission scene in HL2 and the episodes, the 4 gman sequences in hl2 and the episodes, the job offer at the end of hl1, the tram ride which opens hl1, the hyper linear trainyard intro to hl2, the train ride at the end of episode 1, the advisor scenes in episodes 1 and 2, and so on, and so forth
Here is what I think will happen with Episode 3.

You wake up and surrounded by Dog, Alyx, Kleiner, Magnusson and a Vortigant. There are a few words amongst the group and a short funeral is held for Eli.

Afterwards, Alyx proceeds towards the Borealis on her own. You receive a radio transmission from Barney to meet at the chopper and proceed to the Borealis.

During the flight, you run into a few enemies and are victorious. Barney detects no more enemies on the radar and tells you to get some rest. The screen goes black. While you are sleeping, G-Man enters your mind and provides answers to questions and arouses further curiosity and spectulation until you reach a later stage.

You wake up after being out for <duration indicated by Barney>, and Barney does some explaining of his own, but gets cut off when he detects more enemies about 75% the way to the Borealis. The chopper sustains damage crashes.

You and Barney proceed on foot and by vehicle, fighting off enemies. You eventually run into Alyx and Mossman and she does a speech which answers more questions.

You then engage in a massive battle with the Combine (soldiers, Hunters, Striders, gunships, dropships, etc). The battle is ongoing while you proceed to the Borealis with Alyx to use the Portal/Teleportation technology against the Combine in order to defeat them.

You venture through the Borealis and encounter GlaDOS whom you must either defeat or she takes your side and helps you teleport to the Combine Overlord's capital planet while Alyx goes back to fight.

You cause a critical damage point here which results in the Combine evacuating Earth or being teleported off.

You meet G-Man in the flesh, a 5-10 cutscene commences explaining and answering everything.

The End (of this story arc).
Gordon never goes to sleep willingly. Dude is a machine, he has a vodka+red bull intravenous, I swear

During the flight, you run into a few enemies and are victorious.

the idea of an actual battle from within the chopper is very appealing
I want to see Alyx have a completely different behavior.

More aggressive.

Not the usual "Okay heres the plan, X goes there and you must cover Y and then we'll ambush the combine! :)"
Wait, I forgot about the climate system they are putting in Episode 3. I think they will run into bad weather which will cause the chopper to crash.
I want to see Alyx have a completely different behavior.

More aggressive.

Not the usual "Okay heres the plan, X goes there and you must cover Y and then we'll ambush the combine! :)"

Yes I imagine her as detached and single minded, running off and doing reckless shit
maybe she will run off with the gravgun and you can shoot stuff for a while
I would like to see her pull her gun on Gordon at one point, maybe after she has been going all crazy and reckless, would be a pretty powerful moment for the player I reckon.
they have said as recently as the release of the orange box that
A. They are making episode 3
B. The episodes are a stand in for half life 3

you don't need to have opinions when you're informed
We do know that it's not the last thing we will see to half life though..
Just for does who might be afraid of that

I would like to see her pull her gun on Gordon at one point, maybe after she has been going all crazy and reckless, would be a pretty powerful moment for the player I reckon.

Would be awesome, but there's no reason to do such a thing since Gordon doesnt say shit.

It's not his fault :(
my .02
A vortigan is try to revive Eli with 0 luck when an advisory returns
DOG throws him into the Helicopter accidentally,thus,forcing more use of the Charger
after 5 chapters of driving and drive-bys,you reach the docks,which is infested with zombies
you have to abandon the vehicle and fight threw zombies until you reach the Borielis,which holds Combine soldiers,elites,stalkers,advisors,striders and hunters,you must take the control room and set the ship into the ocean
when you reach a low-damage/casualty spot,you blow the ship,but jump off in time to survive
remember the large fish when your in the teleporter at the beginning of HL2,well,it eats you and Alyx
I personally thing Valve is going to come out with some sort of Portal sequel then Episode 3.
The cat that Barney talks about ties in with the end.
Would be awesome, but there's no reason to do such a thing since Gordon doesnt say shit.

It's not his fault :(

Barney did that in Half-life, or rather, one Barney did. He's one one you have to lead back to open a door; he goes all "stand back", and then "hello".