Zombie Master Halloween Treat

Sweet video, can't wait for this to finally finish :D

And I agree with veg, I vote lag. I've never seen a video compression issue just affect a player. \=
It could be to do with my computer having pretty crap specs.

EEVVIILL. How could you play a game such as ZM with a low spec computer?! That would mean you're not doing it NEAR justice. YOU SIR ARE IN TROUBLE WITH MOMMY!
I think there's a conspiracy in all of this...

Namely, what the hell is up with the testers that they've only got SimonomiS and his coal-powered computer available on time? :p
I think there's a conspiracy in all of this...

Namely, what the hell is up with the testers that they've only got SimonomiS and his coal-powered computer available on time? :p

There have been instances where Coal power + Hampsters create the most powerful computer. Unless you're SimonomiS and instead of water, you give the hampster vodka.
In his defence, it was a Russian Dwarf hamster. It demanded vodka!

Spraf: Believe me, if I'd been about on the night I'd have produced something a lot worse. I can't juggle codecs if my life depended on it- and there'd be more than suspicous (hah) video quality if I'd been the one to put the different clips together...

That's basically me saying I'm a lousy tester and everyone stabs me with things all the damn time!
Simonomis was the human player, and due to the way we recorded the video, it wouldn't have taken lag aboard. What we did was record two .dem files, and then dump them into a sequence of .tgas and .wav files, which were then fed into a nifty program that built an avi out of it. By recording a .dem, it should iron out any lag, because it's just a running log of all of the events that took place in the game, and considering I've got a pretty solid machine, it certainly wasn't caused by me. So, the most likely solution was that I cocked up with the codec. The uncompressed videos were some 30gb and crashed windows movie player, and stuttered all over the place. When I converted them using DivX, it took most of it out, except for the sequences that have a lot of pixels changing at the same time.

Needless to say, I think I might have worked out where the issue came from, so the next video we release will be without the problem.

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the video, but it can't be to everyone's taste. We wanted to show people gameplay footage, rather than pretty artwork, because otherwise we'd have just released concept art and renders. We pride ourselves on producing a fun game (you can see Glenn sledge a zombie through a window - how can it not be fun?) - sadly, because of that focus, we can't always produce game-industry standard footage, especially as we're only three main developers holding down full-time jobs/university and a score of testers and volunteers contributing what they can in their limited free time.

So, uh, there's a point somewhere in here. Ah, yeah. If you're not impressed by the video, feel free to not download Zombie Master when it's finally released. We're not forcing you to like our work.

-Angry Lawyer
Oh, I believe you about it not being in game, just seems odd the way you are handling my questions.

I have a notion that you just made up something about the codec instead of admitting it was a problem with the spectator mode or whatever you used.

Holy ****ing lol.

In other news, the mod is looking very promising.
If the video screwed it up, why did just that one player appear to stutter around? You can clearly see one of them isn't and one is. It's not exactly possible for the compression to differentiate like that, especially in the scene with both of them in the frame.

Thanks for being nice about this Lawyer, as opposed to everyone else.

And I did enjoy the video, glad to see the heavy use of props :D I'm so looking forward to this.
If you look, the movement of the props is also a little skewed, too, but by listening to the sound you can hear it continues through the stutters unimpeded.

-Angry Lawyer
If you look, the movement of the props is also a little skewed, too, but by listening to the sound you can hear it continues through the stutters unimpeded.

-Angry Lawyer
How do you explain how in the first scene only one player is stuttering?

It's also a testament to the validity of everyone else when you say it's not lag because it's a demo file and other people say it is lag. I'm so confused D:
No idea. I was drinking while recording D:

It doesn't appear in any of the other videos, though, I don't think.

-Angry Lawyer
Are you sure that a lagging player doesn't show up as laggy in a demo file?

Doesn't lag cause the player to send less packets of info to the server to keep up, so he jumps around? And if the data was never sent it won't magically appear in a demo file.
Bugger knows. I didn't notice it until I started splicing the two videos, and it's too late to change it. This video's pretty much the first I've ever done using demo files, so much of what I say is assumption. Hell, most of what I say about anything is assumption.

-Angry Lawyer
By recording a .dem, it should iron out any lag,
Are you sure that a lagging player doesn't show up as laggy in a demo file?
Bugger knows.

So my conclusion is that that one player was lagging, and that the video compression etc. had nothing to do with that stuttering.
I only got angry because nobody would agree with me but instead stuck to your apparantly unsure explaination, just because you said it, and they didn't want to agree with old Veggies.

So that's it, no hard feelings anyone, except for those who felt the need to insult me.
You know what would ruin this thread? Some nice, warm GOATSE!

I don't have any though.

(vid's fake)

So my conclusion is that that one player was lagging, and that the video compression etc. had nothing to do with that stuttering.
I only got angry because nobody would agree with me but instead stuck to your apparantly unsure explaination, just because you said it, and they didn't want to agree with old Veggies.

So that's it, no hard feelings anyone, except for those who felt the need to insult me.

I honestly didn't see the need to prove any of this, because the vid is pretty aweshens, but meh.
What the ****.

Does it matter if it lags or not? No one can play it besides the evil people.
Looking at it from the positive side, it seems we're getting the (for hl2 mods traditional) "OMG LAG" comments over with before we release.

That said, if we run out of such comments now, I fear what will happen when we release and people start hosting 32 player listen servers on their 800mhz laptop with a 56k connection. Most likely the universe will implode.

It looks like alot of fun, who plays zombies in the video? Is it NPCs? And can you play as a zombie? Also, I hope there is lots of maps with "build your strategic defenses" style, I like that sort of thing. :D

It looks like alot of fun, who plays zombies in the video? Is it NPCs? And can you play as a zombie? Also, I hope there is lots of maps with "build your strategic defenses" style, I like that sort of thing. :D

The zombies are NPCs that are controlled by an RTS-like player, though the interface for it isn't in the vid (due to demo files being used instead of direct screen recording).
There are possibilities for barricading, but it's not always the best choice.
That was some pure pwnage at the end. D:

Actually, it was just downright mean.
You may laugh, but I got a table hit me in the head, set on fire, then decapitated by a zombie behind a door :(
The sledgehammer hit was awsome :D I wanna knock zombies out the window now, plx give zombie master, yes yes!
Pretty good looking video. I thought those shelves should be pushable though. The ones in the kitchen. that's just me being picky though.
That video looked cool! I was actually thinking of strategies when the Zombie Master was on :).
I'll check about the "stuttering" or "lag" whenever the mod is released and I get to actually play it myself.
I mean hey, it's free! I can download and delete it as many times as I want.

Good job team!
Pretty good looking video. I thought those shelves should be pushable though. The ones in the kitchen. that's just me being picky though.

The big fat metal ones? Or the blue plastic ones?
That looked wicked awesome, except I thought the street looked a little bare, but whatever. Can you stop them coming through doors by pushing stuff behind them, like in the old Traptown videos? That'd be awesome, just a shame it was countered in HL2 by having two-way doors. :(
Idiots. Anyone who knows anything can tell that those stutters were planted there by the developers. Look at around 1:02 on the video. You can see the player "glitch" about 1 inch more than he would have if it was just lag.

The stuttering wasn't caused by the compression codec. Unless you're an idiot, you would know that video codecs don't cause stuttering like that.

There's only one obvious conclusion, and I think Vegeta hit it on the nose:

The stuttering was intentionally placed into the game by the developers. They then blamed it on DivX compression because they needed a scapegoat in order to rally support for a war on all Video Codecs, leading to an eventual war on the DivX Codec. The conspiracy is backed by some of the highest-ranking officials in the country/game-dev world.

Please pass this truth to your Senators. This eventual NWO and War On DivX will cost the lives of many zombies.
Quick! Someone silence that man!