Recent content by Solidarnosi

  1. Solidarnosi

    I hope we don't have to babysit Barney

    Hey el Chi, long time no visit for me here. Just wanted to point out that in the HL engine the AI characters could either run, or shoot - but not both at the same time (this info I remember from the Valve sticky thread, from last year some time). It made them look decidedly stoopid of course...
  2. Solidarnosi

    I need to settle an argument about telekinetic types of powers.

    For the past two hours I've been on the phone with my wife, who has our 6 week old baby in the emergency room - high fever, bloodwork being done, about to do a lumbar puncture. I've got more important things on my mind. Piss on you & company.
  3. Solidarnosi

    I need to settle an argument about telekinetic types of powers.

    I'll be happy to see any of your photos of ghosts, or any anectdotes re: people that just *had* to have a Coke after having a single advertising frame flashed in front of their face for a 250th of a second during cinema previews. Good luck finding any scientific evidence of either. Yes...
  4. Solidarnosi

    I need to settle an argument about telekinetic types of powers.

    This reminds me of the misconception of "subliminal advertising." One study done in the 1970's, which by the way the scientists found *no* evidence of S.A. working, and the media grabbed hold of it - and won't let go. It is now in the common pool of beliefs of the average idiot that S.A...
  5. Solidarnosi

    The Tooth Poll!

    <---counting with tongue 28. Wisdom teeth got all cut out in one bloody, drugged-up afternoon back in was at a dentist's office so my parents say.
  6. Solidarnosi

    Drinking stories anyone?

    Yep. You gotta have your friends reminding you at odd times what happened :dozey:
  7. Solidarnosi

    Any Red Dwarf Fans? (best quotes)

    I just remember something about the fellow being all despondent, commiserating to the toaster, which could only comfort him psychologically, after all, with "Well how 'bout a nice slice of toast?"
  8. Solidarnosi

    Max Payne 2 demo released

    Here's what happened: I'm looking for a "use" key to bind, right? Don't see one. Finally post here, get giggled at, go back and look. "Sniper or Use key":x Okay sorry I missed it the first time, but really I have never in my life seen a multipurpose 'snipe/use' key before. Anyway, it was...
  9. Solidarnosi

    Deus Ex: Invisible War Demo on the 20th

    These problems aren't *bugs* guys, sorry to throw a bucket of cold water on you - this is the game, period.
  10. Solidarnosi

    Car Crash Taking a closer look at home. This one's cool, looks like those two guys found the Predator's cloaking device!
  11. Solidarnosi

    Car Crash

    btw, just b/c an ambulance doesn't speed off, don't get the impression things are fine & everyone's having a coffee break. It could be very serious indeed, and that they are working to stabilize inside the rig, sometimes driving very slowly in order to assist with lifesaving and/or decrease...
  12. Solidarnosi

    Car Crash

    First let me say, I hope everyone comes out of this okay. About your photos: some of them are actually quite good (the one w/a friend sitting on the curb, lights blooming out in the center comes to mind), artistically speaking. Also, good effect having an open shutter & no flash, getting the...
  13. Solidarnosi

    Terrorists attack Istanbul.

    They Might Be Giants I win the doorprize, woot!
  14. Solidarnosi

    What do you think about Bush?

    Look at the graph again you dopehead; 73% in *April* only 56% NOW. ALL the percentages have moved *against* Bush/Rumsfield. What a clown, posting something like that & proving *our* point instead.
  15. Solidarnosi

    What do you think about Bush?

    Yeah Arno that's when I stopped bothering with this post. What an absurd thing to say! Get your stupid lame republican ass over there yourself, and guard some trash heap, and tell us "the occupation is going smoothly" you shameless cowardly nitwit. I spent enough time in the USMC to know that...