Recent content by Blinxx

  1. Blinxx

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Sure. Here is one of the new Daleks. Not a massive fan - they're huge and bulky. I didn't really like their appearance in the fifth series (not the WW2 one), they had plenty of opportunity to kill the doctor and they didn't bother - not scary at all. However, they had a few animatronic...
  2. Blinxx


    As others have said, the first Dune is fantastic. Too many books in the series though. Ender's Game is also a sci-fi novel I would heavily recommend. You have probably read it though. Whilst not necessarily sci-fi (more fantasy), but still quite bizarre and on a similar theme to Dune (warring...
  3. Blinxx

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    If you went to a Doctor Who convention and had a picture of you with the freaking TARDIS you'd post it too. I have loads with daleks too. See, I am trying hard to tone it down. I lurk lots on your lovely community. You probably only notice because I'm a girl.
  4. Blinxx

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Completely agree. Always love the music for Elder Scrolls games. They've done yet another fantastic job.
  5. Blinxx

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    TARDIS, complete with terrible Matt Smith wax work.
  6. Blinxx

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Oh yeah, but I fear for taking this thread off topic. Add me to Steam if you want to chat, my link's in my sig. I suppose it's subjective, not cool to me but cool to you then. I have never really been into it, despite having lots of friends who could happily spend days in Games Workshop.
  7. Blinxx

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    It would have to beat my collection for me to be impressed. I've been gaming for 10 years, which I know isn't an awful lot of time in comparison to some, but I've never thrown a thing away. Action figures - not so cool ;)
  8. Blinxx

    Some more info and stuff on my old cats.

    Cats FTW. Cute :)
  9. Blinxx

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    The hormone treatment really paid off :D
  10. Blinxx

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version
  11. Blinxx

    Where do you get your News?

  12. Blinxx

    Kids are Bastards (especially Dog--)

    In the UK it's completely different. You could have several chairs thrown at you, or be kicked or punched as a teacher and you'd still have a hard time getting a child statemented to be allowed to go to a special school. ;) It sounds pretty idyllic where you are!
  13. Blinxx

    Kids are Bastards (especially Dog--)

    It depends how severe the ADHD is. It's not always ADHD that causes the aggressive behaviour. It's easy enough saying that they shouldn't be there - but do you know how severe a case has to be before the government consider statementing a child to go into a special school from mainstream...
  14. Blinxx

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Do do dooo do do do do dooo do do. Do do dooo DO DOOOO DO DOOOOO. Thanks. I'll be singing that all night now.
  15. Blinxx

    Battle Of The Sexes: The ATM Machine

    [/SIZE] Why does my mind do this whenever I see that word.