Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version



Eye-and-a-half actually. Way to bring attention to her missing half an eye. Dick.
tollbooth i demand you change your username back to tollbooth willie or we are no longer bum buddies.
I like the tattoo, but i'm not a big fan of the placement.
It being my first tattoo, I thought my arm would be the best place to put it, hurts the least and easy to show others.
Gee MFL, why don't you go show her your collection of video games and action figures.
Mexican Flying Llama, as per the sig.
Gee MFL, why don't you go show her your collection of video games...

It would have to beat my collection for me to be impressed. I've been gaming for 10 years, which I know isn't an awful lot of time in comparison to some, but I've never thrown a thing away.

Action figures - not so cool ;)
Got any favorites?

On reflection, I make myself a pretty easy target on this forum. Ach', Hans, it's easier to degrade than to make something beautiful. Heh, even in failure one can find inspiration, but what about doing nothing? Nothing comes of it, I suppose.

Would you eat the sandwich if it walked up and stood there?

Got any favorites?

Oh yeah, but I fear for taking this thread off topic. Add me to Steam if you want to chat, my link's in my sig.


I suppose it's subjective, not cool to me but cool to you then. I have never really been into it, despite having lots of friends who could happily spend days in Games Workshop.
How can you be so nasty on the forums if you're so adorable looking, Vegeta?
Thought that would be Willie. Well, he's more like someone's nasty little nephew.
Did some light painting with my dad. Good times.




All done out of sheer boredom at 2 in the morning. :E