Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

No, that's Veggie with his girlfriend and her mother.


I knew there was some kind of pedo joke to be made with the whole Vegeta's aZn GF business, but I was searching for the perfect moment to find it. You, sir, have found it first.
Psst it is actually pubic hair he's just embarrassed because he wears his cock so high.

Hipster fashion, eh.
And so, millennia of darkness awaits.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
It seems like all you do here is post pictures. You left for months then came back to post pictures.

Yes, I am being critical of you because you're a girl.
It seems like all you do here is post pictures. You left for months then came back to post pictures.

Yes, I am being critical of you because you're a girl.

If you went to a Doctor Who convention and had a picture of you with the freaking TARDIS you'd post it too. I have loads with daleks too. See, I am trying hard to tone it down. I lurk lots on your lovely community.

You probably only notice because I'm a girl.
I had a friend who went to that convention recently too, although he said you could go in the tardis. I assume it isn't that one? I was impressed to hear they actually made the illusion of it looking small from the outside but it being full sized when you step in.
Sure. Here is one of the new Daleks. Not a massive fan - they're huge and bulky. I didn't really like their appearance in the fifth series (not the WW2 one), they had plenty of opportunity to kill the doctor and they didn't bother - not scary at all. However, they had a few animatronic Daleks and I was actually terrified. It was horrible. I wasn't allowed to take photos/videos of those though. A few of the older Daleks. TARDIS used in the 80's. Actual interior of the 9th and 10th Doctor's TARDIS. Amy Pond's clothes, with a distinct and unfortunate lack of Amy Pond (sorry guys). There was a lot of stuff from the older periods there and so many of the monsters, however don't want to bore you with any more :)!

Yep, you could actually go into the TARDIS. Best experience ever, actually had chills :D
I think I might just have an aneurysm if I met an animatronic Dalek. How often do they have Dr Who cons?
Wow that wax statue is nearly as malformed and creepy as the real thing!
Psshhh. Dermatologists... those half-doctors just want your money.

You have growths on your face.
Chinese DNA.

My transformation will complete in 7 years.
Because smog/dust/general poor air quality.

No, not really. Only in places where that's a problem. In the cities I was in, it wasn't. They're sick masks, they use them as a courtesy to everyone else so their sickness doesn't spread. Emporius is right.
I was gonna say something but I decided to lay off. But now that you did it I'd like to join in and express my distaste for neck pillow.