Recent content by Chrash

  1. C

    Space exploration company: Planetary Resources

    Should've named it Weyland-yutani Just sayn'
  2. C

    Happy Birthday Vegeta!

    Merry escape-from-the-womb day! :) So, are you legal now, or wut?
  3. C


    Indeed. Wow, you just reassured my faith in future music
  4. C


    I don't get it...
  5. C

    Canadians release their suppressed, pent-up rage in Vancouver hockey riot

    That's cool, they got healthcare. No, but this is pretty bad, and shouldn't happen. It's just something that happens to people in crowds, if alot of people do one thing the crowd will follow. Survival instinct I guess. I hope they're okay :(
  6. C

    Aliens : Colonial Marines

    Sweet! I just saw the remastered Aliens blu-ray today! (which looks god damned gorgeous! An amazing watch, fan or not) The trailer was awesome, looks like it stays true to the Alien franchise. Hadley's hope... Can't wait to stomp some bugs, this is going to be so cool! :p and I'm with Zt...
  7. C

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Finger paint? Colour me intrigued
  8. C

    Which year did you join the forums?

    A low post-count is nothing to be ashamed about
  9. C

    Which year did you join the forums?

    What up, fagget?
  10. C

    Osama bin Laden is dead

    Me too, what is that from? :p
  11. C

    Jazz Music is ****ing awesome..

    Django Reihardt is very good, but one of my friends has been listening to him non-stop for six months now. I just can't listen to him no more. :( Did you know one of his hands was pretty ****ed up? Still an amazing guitarist. :p Can't say I've been listening to jazz that much, but its sweet...
  12. C

    Alex Jones is creepy

    Regarding the first video: I have never had any problem understanding English, but whatever he is saying is completely incomprehensible. :rolling: I guess he's religious, and that he doesn't like nuclear power. And he is upset. Very upset. Meh, I'm really tired, I'll listen to it tomorrow...
  13. C

    Will this happen, YES, NO or MAYBE?

    Well, that's life for ya.
  14. C

    How much time do you actually spend "gaming" these days?

    I play for about 1 hour almost everyday, nowadays its mostly Halo reach. I keep trying to play tf2 and avp3, but there never is anyone on. Dunno how some people can play for 12 hours at a time, I get bored with the game after an hour, unless it's a new one. The most intense gaming I've done...
  15. C

    Brand new project by Valve?

    Ricochet 2. Definitely.