Recent content by FireStarter

  1. FireStarter

    The Crappy Half-Life 2 Comic Experience

  2. FireStarter

    The Crappy Half-Life 2 Comic Experience

    That's me in a nutshell. Boy, you sure do a good impression of me! :D But PM me (or Visitor Message or whatever) if you want to continue our sarcastic bircker-fest. This isn't the time nor place. Besides, ARGUING ON THE INTERNET hurts. I knw I'm a failure, I just don't need you to TELL me...
  3. FireStarter

    The Crappy Half-Life 2 Comic Experience

    Oh, it's all of that and more. But, see, I'm just a guy on the internet. Like we all are. (Except women on the internet, but you know what I mean) In the beginning when I thought of coming back I was considering making a topic in The Lounge about it, but then I thought it'd cause...
  4. FireStarter

    The Crappy Half-Life 2 Comic Experience

    No, no. You misunderstand. I'm poking fun at MYSELF more than you guys. Whereas most of everyone on the forum hates me now, I will always hate myself more for ruining friendships on the internet. See, while I may be completely insane (I am, and I'm not joking), I'd hate to return to a world...
  5. FireStarter

    The Crappy Half-Life 2 Comic Experience

    OH HEY GUYS I SUPPOSE I COULD YOU KNOW COME BACK LIKE I SAID I WOULD PAGE 9 FINALLY Edit: OH ALSO, click the lines in my signature for some of my favorite posts in the "FIRESTARTER IS A LYING FAILURE" thread. OH TO LAUGH AT THE PAST, AM I RIGHT, GUYS? HAHAHAHAhahaha... aaaaahhh.
  6. FireStarter

    The Crappy Half-Life 2 Comic Experience

    Ugh, sorry people, things are a bit hectic right now. TOMORROW FOR SURE.
  7. FireStarter

    The Crappy Half-Life 2 Comic Experience

    Golly jeepers, Koola, that isn't very nice of you. Anyway, I went down to the library today to scan this. I WALKED. Oh how I suffer for my art. We'll get back on track soon, gents. I promise. My lack of a scanner has made me sad, but drawing Adrian Shephard dangling from a wire made me...
  8. FireStarter

    The Crappy Half-Life 2 Comic Experience

    Golly jeepers, Barnz, I wish I could, but I can't! Just knowing that you care has made me want to stay that much more. :E
  9. FireStarter

    The Crappy Half-Life 2 Comic Experience

    If that's what you think then you're missing the point of it. :D
  10. FireStarter

    Guest posters back in the day.

    Well, gee, Barnz, as much as I'd love to, this place just has a certain air that brought me back. Namely that those who remember me hate my guts. You'll learn to love me after a while! :thumbs: Besides, I was only proving the statement that sometimes the registration fails at getting...
  11. FireStarter

    The Crappy Half-Life 2 Comic Experience

    Uh, weeeeell, that's the problem. I completed the WHOLE thing AND started on Episode 1, but, um, I don't have a scanner anymore. Thus, I'm trying to get one. Hang on until tomorrow, which is when I will have a new one.
  12. FireStarter

    I'm a troll from quite some time ago. I told vicious lies and was promptly shunned by everyone...

    I'm a troll from quite some time ago. I told vicious lies and was promptly shunned by everyone. But I swallowed my pride and came the hell back. Actually, the date I left is pretty close to the date you arrived.
  13. FireStarter

    Guest posters back in the day.

    (read: Firestarter)
  14. FireStarter


  15. FireStarter

    The Crappy Half-Life 2 Comic Experience

    ... *Cough cough* As per request... The comic will return shortly. ALSO I'M BACK SORT OF I MEAN I HAVE A REAL LIFE TOO YOU KNOW