Recent content by GargantuaVirus

  1. GargantuaVirus

    Half-Life 3... completely different?

    You do realize that HL2 is very different to HL1, right? It would make sense for HL3 to be different.
  2. GargantuaVirus

    So this screenshot is from my friend...

    Wtf? Are you serious? It's out in every store! Haven't you seen the trailer? Where Freeman kills some G-man clones, Obama's handicapped brother Okasama and then the Spartans from Halo then afterwards, goes near Alyx Vance and they get it on with Watchmen's Hallelujah playing in the...
  3. GargantuaVirus

    So this screenshot is from my friend...

    Thank you so much! It worked! I got so far afterwards! I think I'm near the end because I just killed the Mechabreen decoy and his pet monkey, Brucie.
  4. GargantuaVirus

    So this screenshot is from my friend...

    I'm now stuck at the part where you have to baby sit a baby headcrab while Gonarch goes to the store. The baby headcrab keeps getting killed when I feed it pasta! Any help or tips?
  5. GargantuaVirus

    So this screenshot is from my friend...

    Guys, you are all stupid! I played it too! Rizzo is right! But damn is it hard! I'm stuck at this bit where all the clones of G-man are using karate moves on me after you kill Breen! But it's alright, the ice crabs were cool, the yeti-like garg was a bit of a pushover and the Shepard cameo...
  6. GargantuaVirus

    I am getting bored and tired of waiting....

    How did you get my picture? STALKER :eek:
  7. GargantuaVirus

    Perfect Half-Life Movie Cast

    I like:cheese:
  8. GargantuaVirus

    Crab synth

    I hope not...scary:eek:
  9. GargantuaVirus

    I am getting bored and tired of waiting....

    My penis is already up.
  10. GargantuaVirus

    I am getting bored and tired of waiting....

    I'm holding them hostage but they are still not giving any info. I took a crap in Gabe's mouth but he is still not talking.
  11. GargantuaVirus

    I am getting bored and tired of waiting....

    Please...valve...give us at least a bit of info on EP3 like a new enemy, weapon or character...please...valve!!!!
  12. GargantuaVirus

    What Do You Want This Time

    I disagree with almost everything there. The problem with HL2 was that there was very little Xen aliens and too much combine. And cutscenes would just ruin the whole thing. But yeah on new weapons and story details.
  13. GargantuaVirus

    Where The Hell Is Half Life 2 : Episode 3 ?

  14. GargantuaVirus

    That ****** Gonarch

    Revolver on controllers, gluon gun, rocket launcher and hivehand on gonarch