Recent content by Navaha

  1. N

    The end.

    I won't cry, I'll do something productive, such as say mean things about VALVe on every forum I go to... ...That's not very productive, never mind. :laugh:
  2. N

    The New Weapon(s)

    I wouldn't be suprised if you can aquire the Gravity Gun on the Borialis, however, unless they're careful, it could break the game. *Shrug*
  3. N

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    The Wolf is Loose - Mastodon *Flees back into the shadows*
  4. N

    Yes im a noob

    No, we need thousands of them, and we need to make them work for us. :P
  5. N

    Grab the guns while we still can

    ...RFID? What's that?
  6. N

    Why is circumcision so common in America?

    Americans hate penises. :laugh: The skin underneath the foreskin toughens up a bit after circumcision, for some unknown reason.
  7. N

    Why is circumcision so common in America?

    You'll take my foreskin when you cut it from my corpse!!! ...Wait, I'm cut... ...Never mind.
  8. N

    HL+HL2 - Favorite Character.

    :bounce: How so?
  9. N

    HL+HL2 - Favorite Character.

    ...You said the Freeman, you're obviously not Freeman, but a Vortigaunt in disguise. :laugh:
  10. N

    If you don't shower regularly...

    That would be my guess. BTW, what's with the showering threads? :bounce:
  11. N

    Holy ****...

    I feel like someone just injected my EYES with cooking oil. IT BURNS!!!
  12. N

    The end.

    Ever since Halo 2, I hate cliffhangers. :P
  13. N

    It's time we saw Gordon Freeman

    I frankly don't care either way if I see Gordon in-game or not. However, considering all the shit he's gone through without showering or even changing clothes, he probably looks like hell. :rolleyes: On a different note, does it bother anyone else that Gordon Freeman has friends when he never...
  14. N

    The Future of the Half-Life Saga

    Everyone's better than Lara. Your post in invalid. :bounce: If they don't buy Half Life 3 because Alyx isn't in it, they're obviously not really fans anyway. >_< I mean, I'd be pissed if she wasn't in it, but I'd still buy it. :upstare:
  15. N

    Which body part?

    Please save us? :(