Recent content by PrimalGod

  1. P

    High Dynamic Range Lighting?

    Remember that video that came out that showed off Source's badass-ness with High Dynamic Range Lighting? Where the metal and rooftop and ant-lion were all shiney and reflective? I've noticed this isn't in the game, or at least when I play it and I have a card that supports it (Radeon 9800 Pro)...
  2. P

    Half-Life 2 SDK update

    I wonder if this is one of those double meaning things, hinting that the release isn't far away ( a month ) without actually commiting to a in stone release date. Just a thought.
  3. P

    HL2 physics vs Honda Accord commercial "cog"

    A few people seem misinformed on the topic of if the HL2 engine can do this. It CAN be done. The engine only uses a single random number for the physics, and even that can be pinned down. I posted this letter in the valve email thread and the original discussion of this topic. Here it is again...
  4. P

    Benchmark Program

    there was supposed to be one released on the 30th, but it never was for some reason and valve has been keeping silent whenever someone asks. So I guess the answer to your question is Eventually.
  5. P

    Sound familiar?

    I saw this and thought of valve, heh
  6. P

    We deserve an explanation

    <rant>We, the fans of Half-life 2, deserve an explanation. Not only do they wait until a week before release, when they were adimittly saying it would make the release date, though it would be tight, but they didn't even give us a reason. I can deal with a game being pushed back, it sucks, but...
  7. P

    New Interview, very down and dirty in the tech (not release date rlated)

    oops, sorry guys, it was just posted on as a new thing, my bad
  8. P

    New Interview, very down and dirty in the tech (not release date rlated)

    pretty cool interview. Long and detailed on tech and engine specs. -PrimalGod
  9. P

    Will halflife2 come out for mac at the same time?

    HAHAHAHAHHAH macs.....HAHAHAHHAHAH thats a good one
  10. P

    Sep. 30th we will all experience Gaming Bliss!!

    1st time) Playing Duke Nukem 3D against a friend on a LAN with a HUGE desert city map. I saw my friend running by on a land bridge a good distance away from me. On a whim, I fired a RPG round off into the distance twards a tiny window on the other side of the map, in his general location. The...
  11. P

    I found the REAL Gman!

    I agree, christopher walken all the way. That creepy bastard rocks
  12. P

    My HL2 Preperation: A Video Card Epic

    Yea, I hope he's in hell too. I thought about sending a "Tip" to the police because he was of middle eastern decent. I have nothing against that, but it could be used to an advantage in tracking that asshole down. They might just want to investigate a little harder at someone of middle eastern...
  13. P

    HL2 radio

    They sucked, they had no straight information that most of us here most likley know. For example they didn't get the whole Fog problem correct. Who ever was speaking said that the ATI Radeon card was the one screwing up the fog when it was, in fact, the NVIDIA cards. There's even a statement...
  14. P

    RAM and HL2

    When I asked Gabe this very question, here is his response: Not for gameplay, although it would help if you are running a bunch of big demos back to back. Our demo machines at E3 had a gig so we could run through the demo sequence without ever hitting the hard drive. -----Original...
  15. P

    My HL2 Preperation: A Video Card Epic

    was it that anton plantik guy? palantik@homtail or something